i get to love you

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[Not my story]
Ao3 prince min

Yoongi looked up when he heard the soft knock on the door and his hand stilled in the soft fur of the siberian husky laying on the table. "Come in", he said quietly to not startle the dog that had just calmed down a while ago.

The door opened with a small creak and Yoongi's heart inflated at the sight of Jimin buried in his black sweater - or more like their sweater since Jimin keeps wearing it too - with messy blond hair still a bit damp probably from a shower after his dance practice.

"Hello sunshine", Yoongi greeted as his boyfriend slid his bag from his hand down on to the floor while walking towards him, taking a seat on his lap. Yoongi's free arm automatically moved around his waist and the other started to pet the dog again.

"Hi, hyung", Jimin said through a yawn. They both let out a sigh as Jimin closed his eyes and melted against Yoongi's chest. "How was today?" Yoongi asked and pressed small kisses along his baby's jaw.

Jimin gave a soft hum and opened his eyes again. "I still keep messing up the new part of the choreography I was talking about last week, I don't understand what's wrong with it", he explained and though Yoongi couldn't see his face properly, he could hear the disappointment barely hidden in Jimin's voice.

Yoongi pulled the younger closer with his arm, the other still stroking the husky - Haneul was his name - that was eyeing Jimin lazily. The animals were never nervous around Jimin when he visited after his classes or practice ended. Whether it was because his smell always lingered on Yoongi or just that he could make even pets fall in love with him, Yoongi didn't know. But he wouldn't doubt it if it was proven to be the latter.

"You're going to practice with Hoseok tomorrow, right? I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help you with it. You work so hard you'll master that part in no time and won't even remember the time it used to be difficult", he said and pressed a kiss on Jimin's cheek.

A small smile rose at the corners of Jimin's lips as he nodded slightly and Yoongi couldn't help but smile too. His boyfriend leaned forward towards the table and before he could ask Yoongi beat him to it. "You can touch him, baby. Just be careful of the front leg, it's sprained."

Jimin made a sympathetic pout with his lips and pressed his palm on the back of the Haneul's neck. Yoongi retreaded his hand and rested it on Jimin's thigh. He leaned his head between his boyfriend's shoulder blades as Jimin started humming softly and gave long strokes along the dog's side.

These kind of moments were the ones Yoongi treasured the most. The moments where Jimin just somehow made everything stop for a moment and soaked Yoongi in blissful calmness. Of course the cute pets were nice and he loved his job, but it was still stressful and nothing could compare to Jimin's sweet presence.

Jimin's humming stopped as he let out another yawn and Yoongi raised his head while patting his boyfriend's thigh. "You should get home, baby. I'll be there cuddling you in...", he paused for a second and glanced at the clock, "an hour, seventeen minutes and twenty-three seconds."

Jimin let out a giggle and got off his lap to grab his bag from the floor. Then he turned around, cupped Yoongi's face and pressed a kiss on both of his cheeks, on his forehead, on his nose and finally on his lips. "I love you."

Yoongi tried to ignore the blush that rose on his pale cheeks just like always when Jimin did his goodbye routine. "I love you too, sunshine."

Jimin beamed at him and then turned towards the table to carefully press his face against Haneul's forehead. "I hope you get better soon", he said and gave a kiss to him too. Then he left, closing the door quietly behind himself.

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