hey moon dont go down

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[Not my story]
Ao3 kagayhina

Large hands are wrapped around his waist and soft sunlight refracts into his eyes as he gazes at the horizon, the amber sun slowly falling and disappearing behind the waves. The person beside him pulls him in closer, tighter, and it’s in those arms he feels like nothing can ever harm him, not even his insecurities nor his worries.

The warm and plush sand his toes are digging into slowly turn into cold sheets and the sunset morphs into total darkness. The only thing that doesn’t change is the pair of arms coiled around his waist and he flips over to grab his phone, checking the time. 4:08am, it reads in bright white. Jimin gently rolls back to face the person on his bed.

Yoongi’s black hair is falling across his forehead like streaks of black against white porcelain. His small nose twitches slightly as he breathes in and out, in and out. However, a frown is etched between his brows and Jimin reaches out to smoothen the wrinkles with his thumb, smiling gently at the sight in front of him. Before he can lean across to kiss Yoongi on the forehead, the older man stirs awake and they stare at each other for a few seconds, both of them carefully holding their breaths.

“Did I wake you up?” Jimin whispers in his softest voice, not wanting to disrupt the silence in the room. Yoongi shakes his head slightly, holding Jimin tighter.

“I miss Seokjin hyung,” Yoongi confesses, voice laced with fatigue. Jimin runs his fingers across jet black hair, leaning forward to plant kisses in it. He feels Yoongi smiling into his shoulder.

“I miss him too, especially his cooking,” Jimin mumbles, “He’ll be back in a few days, don’t worry too much.” Yoongi nods again but this time he pulls away, much to Jimin’s confusion.

“I missed sleeping beside you more,” he adds on, earning a giggle from his boyfriend. He hits Yoongi on the chest gently and turns away from him, hiding the blush spreading across his cheeks and the huge grin blooming on his face.

Yoongi remembers himself crawling out of his bed in the middle of sleepless nights to seek solace from the dancer. Cuddling with Jimin has an effect on him, and he finds himself falling asleep as soon as he lays beside Jimin and holds the boy in his arms. However, his roommate, none other than the very nosy and nocturnal Kim Seokjin, never failed to thwart his plans. “Jimin is sleeping now, don’t disturb his sleep,” Seokjin would always say while looking up from his computer and wagging his finger. Yoongi can only concede defeat and shuffle back to bed, willing himself to sleep as much as he can.

Now that Seokjin is gone and far away in the jungle, probably fighting a boar or doing his business in the bushes, Yoongi is seizing his lost opportunities, which is why he found himself trudging to Jimin’s bed at two in the morning.

Jimin snuggles closer to Yoongi, sinking his face into his nape. Yoongi smells of caffeine and creative blocks and this makes him sigh a little. Upon hearing that, Yoongi whips his head around and looks at him with an expression so tender it wrings his heart.

“Why are you sighing?” Yoongi asks quietly, brushing away the strands of blond hair that are getting in the way of Jimin’s eyesight.

Looking at Yoongi’s dark and heavy eye bags, Jimin lets his finger pad across his boyfriend’s cheeks and says, “I know you’ve been worrying a lot about your songs and how they are going to turn out. No matter what, you have to eat and sleep well hyung. I’ll always be here for you.” Yoongi lets out a breathy chuckle, rough at the edges but filled with affection.

“You’re a blessing, you know?”

Once again, Jimin feels heat rising up his neck and slowly crawling up his face. “I’m not, I’m just worrying for a man who is so focused on making a living he sometimes forgets to live,” he retorts and pinches Yoongi on the cheek. Yoongi spreads out his arms in a welcoming gesture and Jimin immediately climbs into his embrace, their legs tangled and arms around each other.

The world is silent around them except for each other’s breathing and the thumping of Jimin’s heart against his chest. Forever may be a misconception of time but Jimin greedily wishes for morning to never come because he wants to hold Yoongi in his arms forever.

“I have a question Jiminnie,” Yoongi suddenly speaks a few minutes into the silence, almost startling Jimin whose eyes are already closing.


“During that interview, the one a long time back, you said for me to stop climbing into your bed. Did you mean it?” Yoongi asks delicately.

“My bed is a single bed for a reason,” Jimin answers, emphasizing on the word ‘single’, causing Yoongi’s heart to sink and his grip around Jimin to falter.

“I’ll gladly make space for you though.”

Yoongi’s heart skips a tiny beat.

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