just one day

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[Not my story]

[February 1st, 2013]

They say your first paycheck is special. Why? Yoongi never really understood. To him, there was no mother or grandma to buy underwear for like everyone else. He only had his sorry ass excuse of a father who only waited for him just to beat him every day because he had no money to feed his alcohol addiction. Yoongi didn't really call him "father" or "dad" either. He called him "you drunkard over there" and waited for his daily whooping. It was like a routine. Go to school, go to work, come back home, make food, get beaten and then cry himself to sleep. Of course he never cried in front of his "father" because if he ever showed him any sign of weakness, Yoongi knew it was bye-bye to his hard earned money.

[May 14th, 2013]

Yoongi's graduation was just a few weeks away and he was ready to leave this wormhole and get started on work right away. Getting a full-time job meant he no longer had to live in hell every day. He would be old enough to leave the old drunkard's house and rent his own place, make new friends, fall in love! Yes. He knew it was impossible in his condition. He knew very well but dreams didn't cost him much and that's all he needed, hope. Any ray of light that came through the cracks of the hell-hole he had been living in all this time.

[July 1st, 2013]

First day of freedom. There was no one to stop him, no one to beat him up, no one abuse him for money everyday. It was all his; the tiny one bedroom apartment, the small mattress on the floor, the little pots in the kitchen. Everything. It was just perfect. Almost too perfect , thought Yoongi. He wasn't a naive child. Yoongi knew when something wasn't right. Everything was just great and going well according to plan but he sensed it. Something was about to happen. He just wasn't sure what exactly it was.

[August 23rd, 2013]

The sun was out, the day was hot, birds chirping. But it was quiet. Way too quiet in Yoongi's little apartment. All windows were shut, blinds down, everywhere was dark. And there was Yoongi, sitting on the floor. One hot tear rolled down his cheek as he recalled his encounter with the doctor;

"Have you experienced any past trauma such as physical or psychological abuse?" Dr. Namjoon asked Yoongi, focusing on the charts in front of him.

"Why? Is there something wrong with the reports?" Yoongi shifted nervously in his chair.

Dr. Namjoon looked up from his charts and saw Yoongi panicking, "Are you sure you are ready to hear this?"

Yoongi's voice was caught in his through. He couldn't speak for a whole 30 seconds. When his voice finally came back, he quickly asked, "What is it? Tell me. I'm ready!"

"Alright. I need you to remain very calm. This is a sensitive matter and I don't want you to be too upset just yet." The shock on Yoongi's face was clearly a signal for Dr. Namjoon to continue. "The scans show that due to trauma involving an injury to the head has damaged the Broca area of your brain. Yoongi, are you okay?"

"What does that mean doctor? What's going to happen to me now?" Yoongi held tightly onto the chair he was seated in. Things were not looking in his favor and he wished it all to be a joke.

Dr. Namjoon carefully took a piece of paper out of his folder. "This part of your brain is responsible for speech" he pointed at the image on the paper. "Since it's been damaged, it means that you have a high chance of becoming mute. That's why you are having trouble speaking without pausing now as well."

Yoongi said nothing. He wasn't sure what was going on. All he heard was that he would become mute. "I CAN'T BE MUTE!" He jerked up from his seat and ran out the door.

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