wake up

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[Not my story]
Ao3 Jam_less

Yoongi smiled as warmth spread through him despite the cold night, Jimin's arm curling around him as they walked across the dark street, the younger boy's head rested on his shoulder.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight, hyung," Jimin mumbled softly, his eyelids fluttering as he let out a small yawn, "I had a lot of fun."

"So did I," Yoongi spotted the taxi he had called earlier and directed them towards that direction, his senses filled with the feeling of the younger boy so close, his sweet scent filling Yoongi's nose. "You seem tired, don't you have work early tomorrow? Maybe I shouldn't have kept you out so late." As he said this, Yoongi pulled open the back door of the taxi in front of him, slipping out of Jimin's grip and setting the younger down in the back seat of the car. He then proceed to sit himself next to Jimin and close the car door, giving the driver the directions to his apartment.

"Nonsense," Jimin smiled, once more resting his head on Yoongi's shoulder, "I'm glad I could spend this time with you. It's hard to find time to be with you now that our schedules are filling again."

"You're always so busy," he agreed, "You work so hard, I don't understand how you survive with such little sleep."

Jimin shook his head, "Yoongi-ah, weren't you the one averaging three hours of sleep each night for a whole month because you wouldn't stop working so much?"

"Yeah, but you straightened me out quickly once you found out. What would I do with out you?" the older boy laughed.

"I don't know. You would probably be a lot colder," Jimin responded, wrapped his arms around his counterpart's waist, causing the older boy to blush.

"You are a literal human furnace!" Yoongi chimed, "I can't be cold with you around. It's impossible."

"I think that's my motivation to be around you. Just to warm you up. Maybe I should just quit my job and follow you around everywhere you go. I could be your personal heater."

"I doubt you would ever go through with that," Yoongi turned over the subject. "Why don't you try to get some rest on the way there? You can sleep at my place tonight, it's closer to your work anyway. I'll wake you up when we get there."

Jimin nodded, leaning deeper into the older boy's frame, causing Yoongi to wrap his arms around the younger. He worried that the bumpy road would restrict Jimin's sleep, but it was late, and he had been up since early that morning, so it seemed that after only a few moments, Yoongi found himself holding a sleeping Jimin, the muffled sounds of the city being the only sound other than the younger boy's soft breathing. 

As they drove, Yoongi stayed awake, his mind wondering across the plains of thought, his eyes drifting from the beautiful feature's of Jimin's face to the lights of the city that shone as they drove past, slowly making their way towards his apartment. He hadn't been sleeping much lately, and was really tired, but he forced himself to stay awake, not wanting to be asleep when they arrived at their destination. 

Time seemed to pass in slow motion, though it seemed like only a few seconds before the taxi pulled over next to their apartment, and Yoongi quickly paid the driver, waking the sleeping boy at his side and dragging him out the door of the car, through the apartment halls until they arrived at his place. As soon as they entered his room, Jimin collapsed on the bed, and Yoongi turned off the lights, using his phone as a light as he didn't want to wake Jimin up. 

He quickly made his way around his apartment, getting ready for bed, slipping into his sleeping clothes, and carefully changing Jimin into a loose pair of his own sweatpants and an over sized, comfortable T-shirt. Yoongi tucked him in, before slipping into the warm bed also, his eyelids seeming to grow heavier as he wrapped his arms around the younger's torso, pulling him into his chest. 

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