the unwanted

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[Not my story]

‘’How much longer till we arrive in Seoul?’’ Jimin asked Yoongi, worry evident in his voice. Yoongi shifted in his seat to look at his boyfriend, ‘’The train should arrive in about 10 minutes,’’ he replied, which Jimin nodded to. Yoongi pressed the home button of his phone, the top of the screen showing him that it was 5:56 AM. Yoongi was about to put down his phone when it suddenly buzzed, signaling that he got a message. He read the message and texted a quick ‘’OK’’ back. ‘’Namjoon and Hoseok are waiting on us right outside the station’s entrance,’’ Yoongi explained to the boy beside him. ‘’Alright. Let’s quickly change clothes now, so that we can exit the train as soon as it opens its doors,’’ Jimin said and reached out for one of their two duffel bags, pulling out two hoodies and handing the grey one to Yoongi. He eyed Jimin with uncertainty as he took the hoodie in his hand, which made the boy huff in disbelief. ‘’Don’t you dare whine about the hoodie not being black, Yoongi. You were last seen wearing all black, like you always do, so if you actually want to get caught, be my guest. You should be thankful that I didn’t hand you the purple one.’’
Yoongi sighed, knowing that Jimin was right and put on the soft, thick fabric, not forgetting to pull the hood over his head.

They both stood up after having changed clothes and headed for the door closest to them. The train slowed down as it reached the station, completely halting once it arrived at the right perron. Yoongi reached for Jimin’s hand and took it in his own, intertwining their fingers as the doors released pressure to open. Yoongi was the first one to step out, followed by his boyfriend close behind him. They moved fast, maneuvering through the crowd of commuters. Yoongi internally thanked the Gods for having visited Seoul station enough of times to know where to go without having to look at the many signs attached to the ceiling and walls and end up wasting precious time.
The boys spotted both Namjoon and Hoseok leaning against the hood of the latter’s car as soon as they exited the train station. They hurried to the them, dropped their duffel bags in the trunk as Namjoon and Hoseok sat back in the car. Hoseok started the car and took off as soon as the couple took their seats in the back.

‘’Do you mind telling me what the hell happened in Daegu?!’’ Namjoon semi-yelled, breaking the silence once they were on the highway. Jimin grimaced at the loud tone of Yoongi’s friend. Namjoon noticed and sighed, ‘’Sorry for my loud tone. You promised to tell us what happened as soon as we picked you up. So, spill.’’

It was around 3 AM when 24-year-old Yoongi was in the middle of the small woods near his apartment, doing a spell. As a witch–one of the best in South Korea–he had many tasks. One being that he had to create spells, write them down in his spell book and pass it down to the other witches. The other task being that he had to be very careful with everything, since the law has set a death sentence on any mythical creature caught practicing their customs.
Usually, he can do spells in the safety of his apartment, but unfortunately some need to be done outside. Tonight’s spell was one of them. It was a hard one and knowing that there are cops and hunters paroling the streets a few 100 meters away, did not help Yoongi at all.
He was in the middle of the spell when he stupidly stumbled over his words, shifting the spell and causing the small fire he created to roar wildly and shoot up a beam of light into the night sky.

‘’shit, shit, SHIT!’’ Yoongi whisper-yelled to himself right after he heard a man shout ‘’UNHUMAN ACT IN THE WOODS! CALL FOR BACK UP!’’

Yoongi quickly grabbed his belongings and ran like his life was depending on it. In his case, it literally did. He spotted a group of four men, 3 cops and one hunter, waiting on backup with their guns pointed at where they saw the light come from. Yoongi spoke a quick spell and twirled the fingers of his free hand, causing the men to completely freeze, except for their eyes. He rushed past them as they followed his figure with the only body part that wasn’t frozen. He ran for about 100 meters more before he reached his apartment building. Going up on the flights of stairs, skipping two steps at a time until he reached his apartment and slammed the door open with one simple move of his hand.

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