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[Not my story]
Ao3 Kagehinaaa

The sound of water droplets hitting the roof made Yoongi restless. Not that he was trying to sleep or anything, and maybe the sound of rain would be able to inspire the lyrics he was currently writing down. Although, he didn't exactly need the rain as inspiration. Yoongi got plenty of inspiration from someone else.

He gripped his pencil tighter, turning his head to watch the rain pour down his window from where he sat at his desk. There was something about the rain and the soft gray skies that gave any place a sleepy vibe to it, and it was oddly romantic (Yoongi's heart clenched at that thought), not that he'd ever admit it. His thoughts about the rain made a sudden idea for a lyric spring into his head. 

It's a rainy night, the rain knocks on my window 

Yoongi scribbled down, furrowing his eyebrows as more ideas circled around in his mind. 

It hits my heart 

He quickly added, satisfied with how it sounded so far. He didn't realize how hard he was clenching his pencil until his hand began to hurt. Writing and thinking about Jimin seemed to always make him forget about his surroundings, even if it was just for a moment. Yoongi set down the pencil, watching it roll halfway across his desk before he stopped it with a finger. 

The rain hadn't ceased.

Yoongi let out a sigh as a rumble of thunder mingled with the sound of the rain, sounding faraway. He hoped the gentle rain didn't turn into a thunderstorm, knowing that Jimin didn't like them. 

Jimin, Jimin, Jimin.

That was all that occupied his mind most of the time, that and he was really fucking tired all of the sudden. When's the last time he got at least 6 hours of sleep?

The thought made Yoongi's eyes droop with sleepiness, his head resting on his crossed arms over the table. He didn't fight it like he usually would've, and he blamed the rain. He burrowed his face in his arms, ignoring the lack of oxygen and welcoming the warmth that he always had in the wrong places; why was his neck always warm but his feet continued to be cold? 

The sound of a piano suddenly being played in the room next to his made Yoongi jump a little, temporarily taking away his previous tiredness. It shouldn't have surprised him that much, since Jimin always played the piano in their apartment at random times and the song was a slower one this time, seemingly mixing perfectly with the tranquil sound of the rain falling outside. And it was honestly beautiful. 

Yoongi's heart ached a little. Why did he think it was a good idea to live with someone he happened to be stupidly in love with? Even though their feelings are mutual (Yoongi still wonders how he got so lucky) he found himself internally cursing himself out everyday for being so sappy, but that's what Jimin did to him. Yoongi's cold facade could only convince strangers at this point.  

Knowing he'd never fall asleep or get back to writing, Yoongi pattered over to Jimin's bedroom (which really served no purpose, since Jimin ended up crawling into bed with him every night), and the door was slightly ajar. He pushed it all the way open and found himself standing there for a few moments, watching Jimin, who's back was turned to him, guide his fingers over the piano keys. It was kind of mesmerizing, watching how naturally he flowed through the song. 

Fuck, Yoongi could never get used to the warm feeling that Jimin caused for him to feel. 

He tentatively walked forward, Jimin still unaware of his presence. 

"Jimin," Yoongi said softly, his voice feeling a little scratchy from not talking for a while. Jimin jumped a little in surprise, his fingers slipping over the keys. 

"Yoongi?" He turned around, and they locked eyes. Of course, Jimin had to look extra cuddly with an oversized sweater, sweatpants and fluffy socks (yes, fluffy socks, which Jimin insisted were the coolest things ever) as it seemed the boy was always making Yoongi's heart race in some way or another. 

He didn't realize he'd been staring until Jimin spoke up again, a concerned expression on his face. 

"Did I wake you up? If I did, I'm s--" 

"You didn't. It's fine," 

Yoongi probably looked a little disheveled from leaning his head on his arms, so he must've looked like he just rolled out of bed. Jimin nodded, and they began to have a silence. Not awkward. It was always comfortable when it was Jimin.

But he continued to stand there dumbly, and Jimin stared back at him, and the rain began to pour down louder, and Jimin had a cute smile on his face, so Yoongi did the first thing that came to mind. 

He opened his arms invitingly, "Come here, you adorable piece of shit."

Romantic, right? 

Of course it was, because Jimin let out the cutest laugh that made his whole face smile, even his eyes looked like they were smiling, and Yoongi's heart raced as Jimin walked into his embrace. 

Their chests bumped together a little, and as Yoongi tightened his arms around the other, Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi in return and buried his face into his chest. Warmth spread quickly all over Yoongi's body, his cold feet that he was silently complaining about earlier getting erased from his mind. 

One of Yoongi's hands rubbed circles onto Jimin's back, making a soft sigh leave Jimin's lips. 

"I haven't really seen you all day," Jimin quietly mused, but didn't sound accusing. He knew once Yoongi began to work on his music, it was hard for him to stop. It sounded a little sad, if anything, and made Yoongi feel bad for staying holed up in his room for hours on end. It was one of their day-offs, which were rare as it is. 

"M'sorry, Jiminie," Yoongi murmured apologetically, pressing a kiss to the top of Jimin's head. 

Jimin pulled away from their hug a little, making Yoongi frown before he felt Jimin's warm hands on his cheeks. He was smiling brightly, making the guilt Yoongi had before melt away. They looked at each other for a few seconds, and he didn't miss the way Jimin's cheeks were slightly pink and his lips looked so soft and oh god he was so dead--

"Wha-" Yoongi began to say, but was cut off by Jimin leaning forward and capturing their lips together in an innocent kiss, definitely different from their makeout sessions after concerts. It was all soft and sweet, Jimin's arms had moved to wrap loosely around Yoongi's neck, and Yoongi's hands gently held Jimin's waist. Jimin's lips tasted suspiciously like chocolate. That fucker went through my hidden stash of candy. 

But, Yoongi found himself not caring. Damn Jimin for being too cute to be mad at.

After they pulled away, both smiling at each other, Yoongi realized something. 

The rain had stopped. Jimin's smile was so bright again, like the sun's rays peeking through the clouds after a storm. 

And, to think, this was all because of the rain.

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