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[Not my story]

Yoongi felt the air around him get thinner, his mom’s screams echoing in his head. He should be used to it by now, there was hardly a day that would pass without his parents fighting. Words ripping into each other like knives, hatred radiating from their hearts as they found something to argue about.

Yoongi hated it. Hated how his parents fighting made him feel, hated the longing he felt to just have a normal day at home. He found himself wandering the empty streets of Daegu, cold air nipping at his uncovered cheeks. It was quiet for this time of day, the silence was a welcome change, the only sounds coming from the birds chirping happily in the trees around him.

Yoongi found his way to a small park, made up only of a two small slides, monkey bars and a small swing set that had one seat currently occupied. Yoongi studied the fluff of pink hair currently swinging lazily, feet not quite touching the floor. He recognized the boy vaguely from school, it was hard to miss someone with cotton candy colored hair.

Yoongi approached the younger boy, “Who swings in the middle of winter at 3pm?”

The pink hair boy visibly startled, obviously not expecting company, no one crazy enough to be outside as the temperature around them steadily fell. Yoongi felt his breath catch in his throat when the other boy looked up at him, cheeks slightly pink from the winter air.

“I dunno, but it looks like highshool basketball stars seem to fit that category?” The pink hair boy said, smiling easily at the blonde.

“So you do go to my school?”

“I do. It’s hard not to know the great Min Yoongi-ssi?” The younger boy said, “I’m Park Jimin by the way, we have math together.”

Yoongi nodded, realization leaving him floored as he remembered seeing the beautiful boy many times before. He was smart as hell but also extremely quiet, content to blend into the background.

“You look stressed,” Jimin stated bluntly, “Why don’t you come swing?”

Yoongi hesitated, swinging was for children but the blonde boy found himself plopping into the metal seat before he could stop himself. The smile Jimin gave him making it worth it. They swung in silence, listening to the sounds of the nature around them. It was the closest thing to peace Yoongi has felt in years.

“So why are you swinging in the middle of the day?” Yoongi finally asked, slightly turning in his swing to watch the younger boy.

Jimin looked carefree, pink hair swaying in the wind, eyes closed and smile plastered to his face. The younger boy hummed softly to himself for a moment before answering honestly, “I was sad, I come here when I’m sad and I just don’t want to think for a little while ya know? It helps me forget about all my issues.”

Yoongi hummed in acknowledgment, Jimin stopped swinging and turned to face the blonde boy.

“Why are you?” The small boy asked curiously, feet lightly kicking up dirt from where he sat.

“Same reasons,” Yoongi said evenly.

“What does the star basketball player have to be sad about?”

Yoongi laughed at that, “I have my problems, same as everyone else… I just happen to know how to shoot a basket from time to time.”

Jimin giggled lightly, eyes closing into small crescents like Yoongi had told him the funniest joke in the world. The older boy loved the sound of the smaller boy’s laugh, the tightness that seemed to constantly surround him began to loosen as Jimin continued laughing to himself.

“I guess we all do have problems, your smile suits you more though Yoongi-ssi… makes you look less like a grandpa.”

“You can call me hyung,” Yoongi said, treasuring the smile Jimin gave him in return.

They continued to swing, joking back and forth like they had known each other their whole life. Yoongi couldn’t remember a time where he smiled so much, the feeling foreign.

“I bet I can swing higher than you,” Yoongi said, eyebrows wiggling challengingly.

The younger boy blushed, “I don’t like swinging high… it’s one of my issues.”

Yoongi jumped off his swing then, feeling as free as he did when he was just a child. He situated himself behind the pink haired boy, fingers placed on the younger boy’s smaller ones that were gripping the chains of the swing. Jimin let out a small squeak as the larger hands completely covered his, not letting him move from the seat.

“We can conquer that one today?” Yoongi asked as he slowly started to push the smaller boy.

Jimin hesitated before nodding an okay. Yoongi pushed a bit harder, keeping a firm grip on the soft white sweater the other boy was wearing just in case he wanted to be stopped. It didn’t take long before Jimin was higher than he had ever been willing to go himself, winter air carding through his air at a faster rate.

Yoongi watched as Jimin finally began letting go of the any fear he once had. The younger boy’s smile grew the higher he went, eyes closed and lips parted as he inched closer and closer to the sky. Jimin finally opened his eyes, once he felt like he was flying, enjoying the small feeling of freedom. He began laughing at himself, wondering how he had ever been so scared of such a wonderful feeling.

Yoongi joined him, the small boy’s twinkling laughter contagious. Eventually Jimin started slowing down, once his feet were firmly planted on the ground he turned and launched himself into Yoongi’s unsuspecting arms. The blonde boy stood frozen, not used to affection being openly given to him.

His parents weren’t the loving type. His father often gone, living in his office instead of coming home. The only time he saw the older man was when he would come home to grab a set of clothes, before the yelling would begin. His mother finding solace only in a bottle of alcohol, falling asleep anywhere but her own bedroom. She didn’t hug Yoongi, hardly even looked at him, eyes never being able to focus long enough.

Neither of them had ever even been to one of his games, both too involved in each other and their problems to remember they had a son. As he slowly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy’s frame, he felt a sense of warmth. Jimin pulled back, closed eye smile painting his features beautifully.

”That was amazing hyung! Did you see how high I went?” Jimin babbled excitedly, “We need to conquer one of your fears next!”

Yoongi gripped the boy a bit tighter, never wanting this feeling of warmth to leave him.

“My biggest fear is math,” Yoongi jokes, not  wanting to bring up his heavier fears, the abandonment, the insecurity, the bone aching sadness he felt when he was alone.

Jimin laughed again, whole face lighting up. “Well you found yourself a new tutor then.”

“You don't have to Jimin-ah, I was just joking.”

“Yah, well I wasn’t! I’ve seen your grades hyung, you could use the help,” Jimin giggled as he took in Yoongi’s offended expression, “We can’t start on Thursday because you have your big game! I don’t wanna miss that and you will so messy-“

“Wait, you come to the games?” Yoongi asked, shock evident in his tone as his eyes widened at the new information.

Jimin blushed, entire neck turning red before he nodded shyly. “You’re really good hyung… I’ve never missed a game.”

Yoongi felt blush rise on his pale cheeks, matching the deep crimson of the younger boy. He never has someone come to his games, never had a single person in his corner, but here Jimin was. As Yoongi looked down at the pink haired boy with kind eyes, he knew this was the start of something neither had prepared for, but something he wouldn’t trade for the world.

Thanks to a swing set and a cold winter day, Yoongi found his warmth.

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