Chapter 3-Impatience Perfected

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Lucien POV

Why can't they just hire more people?

"My legs hurt"
"This line is taking to long"
"What are you three taking so long for?"

Turning around I sigh.


The lot of 'em.

"Hey if I give you my name and number can I skip you in line?" One of the Giants question.

"No," I say disgusted.

Sure they're both hot but that's no way to take someone out. False hopes isn't one to meddle with.

"Sorry about my friend he's just impatient," the other smiles.
"I get it and my friend is the one who sent me to get the goods so she's probably angry at me right now," I shrug.
"I'm Tae by the way," Tae says.
"Oh your that name? Nice to know," I greet back.

I'm so stupid I can't properly speak around other but you know I don't care. Ok maybe a little. Talking some more I finally get to order.
"One medium cup of hot chocolate and one large s'mores frappuccino," I order.

"Will that be all?" They question.


Hearing my stomach growl I sigh.
"Two red velvet cupcakes and eight cake pops. All chocolate," I answer.

"Names?" She questions.
"Luci with an I," I answer.
"Last name?" she questions.

"Fur with a P and H the other one is just Cassidy," I answer.
Nodding she gives me said meal after what felt like hours. Armful I head back with Tae and I still chatting.
He offered to help me carry my food but I won't let him. My food needs a warrior not a cutie.


I just said cutie.
That's some girly crap.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Miruna POV
In my treacherous search for a table two guys ran to the carousel. Squinting my eyes to get a better look I hear someone yell not so fast like a soccer mom. Shrugging it off I finally spot a table for Lucien and me.
After what felt like hours I slam my hand on the table.

"What are you so angry about?" Some dude with a table across me questions.

"Because I've been waiting for hours to get my f---ing hot cocoa and my friend hasn't shown up!" I shout pissed off.

"Well it isn't my problem," He replies with a yawn.

"I never said it was," I say still angry.

Lucien POV
"Hey Miruna what's ...," Walking over to her she stops yelling at the poor soul sitting at the table across from ours to yell at me instead.

"Where the hell have you been child!?! You had me worried! And I'm hungry! You know that's not a good combination just like your clothes! It doesn't match at all," she snaps her fingers at me.

Thanks fashion bear

Mentally Sweatdropping I give her a simple smile. Realising what she just did her face reddens in embarassment.

"I have your drink and snack .... I'll go get you some McDonald's," I say placing our order down before running off.

Ugh why?

She's scary angry.

"Hey Luc!" Tae smiles greeting me.

"Oh hey Tae right?" I greet with a smile as I now held a bag full of salty fries and chicken nuggets with a lot of ketchup and barbeque sauce packets.
Good thing I thought to get the 20 piece nuggets and large size of salty fries.

"You're here with someone aren't you?" Tae frowns.

"Oh uh Yeah my childhood friend," I slowly spoke then said as I adjusted the bag in my arms,"Miruna. She's really nice once you get to know her."

I'm not used to speaking with giants so yeah. I'm glad he isn't with that other giant. Wonder where his taller friend went anyways.


"Have you ever had a sleepover?" I blurt out as continue to walk.
"Yeah I have them all the time I've even build pillow forts why?" He questions.
"I don't know I mean I barely had a pillow. I don't know the first thing about pillow forts," I shrug.

"We should hang out some time we could build a pillow fort together. I hope you don't mind if my friends are there. We are like a family," he spoke.

"It's fine," I shrug then speak up,"Oh! I know since it's so hot we should go to the beach instead of staying indoors."

"That sounds awesome here I'll give you my number so we can plan a day," Tae says.

Taking my phone out I hand it to him.
Saving his number on my phone he even takes a picture of himself.

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