Chapter 23-Lucien's Interview

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"We have questions for you to answer," the journalist states.
Forcing back an eye roll I hum. "Yes well that is your job to ask burning questions."
"We'll start then," The man holding the camera says.

"First question what do you think of the people out there who despise you for dating Ren?"

"Those exists?" I question to which the lady nods. "Guess to answer that I'd say I'd hate myself too if I knew I'd never be able to date my Bias or get senpai to notice me."

"Mhm," writes down mini note then asks. "What gave you the idea of water dancing at the latest dance against RM, where you not only had to face your childhood friend but your boyfriend?"

"I honestly was more surprise of my request being accepted. I had no idea the groups would show up as for how I feel about it I'd say I was pretty happy seeing Ren on stage."

"Was it because he was in a dress?" She questions.
"Truth be told I hadn't seen him for awhile with him so busy on his tour to other places. I miss him right now," I admit with a sigh.
"But you two do keep in touch yes?" She questions.
"Yes but a ten minute conversation isn't enough for me," I answer.
"You said you had no idea the other groups would arrive, did you mean your group as well?" She continues on.

"I knew Dreamcatchers and VIXX would appear but not Nu'est or TWICE," I admit to which she nods.
"What do you think of the rumors that have been spreading about you?" She asks me.
"What rumors?" I reply genuinely curious and confused. I never knew or cared for rumors but seeing as this is an interview I'll have to act like I care.
"About you cheating on Ren with V," she answers simply.

"I didn't know that was a rumor being spread," I reply even more confused.
Perking her lips with quite a dislike towards my answer she sighs then continues on.

"Then lets ask more questions about your show. What exactly happen to Monarch Park the person you play as?"

"You want spoilers now?" I shake my head at that then fiddle with my bowtie. If this keeps up I'll walk out on her like a ditchable prom date.
"The viewers are merely curious that's all," she hums.
"Well truth be told," I fix up my no longer crooked bow tie. "I never cared for spoilers. That's what a show is all about if you're genuinely curious watch it."

"What gave you the idea of bringing all these groups into the show?" She questions.

"This show is a way to help them blow off some steam. See each person has the choice to write their own script. If they want to I'll make their lines myself but most of the time they just go with the flow. I fit their lines into my own script that the others like for me to play."

"So you make your own script to where it fits theirs as well?"she questions as she holds her journal in hand eager to take notes.
"Yes," I answer.
"Did they pick you as lead role?" She beckons me to continue as per usual.
"Yes though I still don't understand why," I sigh mimicking her posture.
"It may have to do that your hair really is naturally red while your skin is like cinnamon. All onto which is uncommon," she assumes.
"I guess I'm a living manga character then," I shrug off.

She forces a laugh much to my dislike. I'm not liking this lady at all. I hate fakes. "In the series RM plays as a nephilim which leaves us to question onto which archangel is the father? Could you provide us with any hints?" She questions.

"Certainly isn't Gabriel nor Haniel nor Zadkiel or Raziel or Jegudiel," I answer listing them off to make it easier for the fans. Jokes on them RM's not a nephilim that's just a lie to cover the truth.
"Which narrows it down to the few shown and mention in the show. Will we see Samael in the upcoming episode?" She beckons me.
"No but he will be mentioned and you can expect more groups to appear maybe even a special guest," I answer to which she raises a brow in hopes of an answer to which I shake my head no.

"The young actress that plays as Jin in the show is blind but is she in real life?" She questions.
"Yes," I answer.
"And what exactly lead you to choose a blind actress for the role of Jin?" She probes. I shake my head as if to say change the topic. With a sigh she gives in and looks down at her paper. "Do you know Braille?"

"Yes," I answer.
"Why pick such a subject to study?" She goes on.
"At school I was known for being a studious child when in fact my mom forced me to read as much as possible before I become completely blind. She went so far as to force me to learn various languages on my own," I answer.
"You've only mentioned your mother once before why is that?" She asks.

"I don't have a good memory of her and if you ask me why I really don't know," I answer honestly. I don't like to think hard on it.
"When did you meet Ren?" She sighs giving in to that answer.
"A month pass the day Sx2 was suppose to be officially disbanded," I answer.

"And why did you disband?"
"I wanted to try something new down the artistic path."
"Can we get further details onto how you met Ren?"

"I was having a bad day ..... Miruna and I hadn't spoken in nearly a month. It was raining and I had a major headache. When Shikari called me about a song I'd be a part of. By the time I got home Ryoma had me take a car to meet them, but I didn't realise I'd be riding a bus with them until it showed up and being me of course I wound up falling asleep to one of Billie Eilish's song.
When Ryoma woke me up to meet the group properly Dance In The Dark by Lady Gaga was playing," I began to explain. "Of course I loved her music and thought nice how ironic of it to play. Sleepy as I was I forgot what I was doing there in the first place and began to sing the song not realising they were all in front of me. Didn't even realise I had my back turn on them and began to dance."

"So you danced and sang to your heart's content all while half awake?" She questions amuse.
"Yes and let me tell you I looked like a mess compare to them because they wanted to make a good first impression or something," I pause to hold out my hands as if balancing scales then pick up where I left off," while I on the other hand was like dress casual since sleep is where I meet my true friends Mr.Sandman and Freddy," I joke.

This time the lady genuinely laughs making me smile. "So when I turn back around continuing my song I see them all look at me like I was a whole new species and kept dancing when without even knowing me Ren joins in. Had no idea who I was but he began to dance with me."

"Would you consider yourselves a competitive couple?" She questions.
"No," I reply.

"Why do I have the feeling that you're lying?"
"Maybe because I've been lying this entire time."
"So the information I've gathered i-"
"Completely useless except for Jin being actually blind, my story of meeting Ren, and a few others."
"So you knew about the rumors being spread about you?"

"Honey if I listened to the lies spread on media I'd have your job."
"I beg your pardon?"
"You've asked me personally to interview first when in fact you should be interviewing the two girls because I haven't been apart of the recent two episodes."

"What exactly are you implying?"
"That people like you only care about idols. I despise people like you. It shouldn't matter on who's dating who. People date all the time. Why not focus on something actually productive like help raise awareness in the world around us. Documents on what's really going on in the bad neighborhoods."

Standing up I smile over to the camera. "What's the fun in telling the truth to people that just want to spread more lies? Good luck deciphering my lies from the truth," With that I walk out.


"Hmm?" Turning around I'm hug by both Jin and Eun. Jin's real name is Reina and is ten years old while Eun's real name is So-ra and is eleven. So-ra's partially death while Reina's .... blind. They're my little sisters. Only Miruna, Hwiyoung, and Nu'est know about them.

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