Chapter 10-Meet The Girls

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Miruna POV

I didn't get a response from Lucien so I decided to confront Ryoma.
"She what?" I ask over the phone. "She got a new phone because she's famous now and had no privacy from fans." I roll my eyes knowing that feeling, but she could've still told me. It's almost as if she didn't want me to know anything. "Okay. Well you better tell her to text me or call me. Aish, she knows my maternal instincts kick in when it comes to her." I run my hand through my hair as I spoke. "Well you could come by and see her. I'm sure she could explain everything to you if she's not being stubborn." I hum in response and hang up. "I guess I'll go see her."

I had told my members that I'd be visiting a friend for a little bit since we all have an off day today. Though I did have to call Shikari for directions since Ryoma didn't answer and hadn't told me where Lucien is staying at the moment.

When I arrived I searched for Lucien, but didn't have much luck. That is until I run into Shikari. "Kari!" He turns around and smiles at me. "Runa, looking for Luci?" I nod as I stand beside him. "Follow me pop star." I roll my eyes at his nickname for me. Though I follow him to a room where Lucien is.

I enter the room to see my best friend fast asleep on the couch. I search the room quietly for a piece of paper and a pen. Successfully I find what I'm looking for. I carefully write down a note for Lucien to meet me up at a restaurant to catch up on old times while leaving out the part of meeting my group that I got assigned to after we separated to do our own things.

"What?! You've got to be kidding me!" I look at our second oldest. "What's wrong?" She looks at me with a mixture of emotions in her eyes. "We're getting to meet Lucien! This is so cool!" She bounces up and down excitedly like a fangirl. "Calm down Momo unnie. She's just Miruna's old friend." Hana says while getting out of the car. Momo and I were already standing outside of car waiting for the others to get out. "I know, that's why I'm excited! She helped with making Runa the way she is!" Momo says as she pulls me close to her and squishes my cheeks. "If you keep squishing her cheeks like that Momo unnie you're going to hurt her." Ji-soo comments as she gets out of the car. Momo lets go of my me and my cheeks while softly apologizing to me. "Let's go inside, Bo-song will join us when she's ready." The three of us nod as Ji-soo leads the way inside.

Bo-song POV

I watch as the girls go inside. I softly sigh to myself as I run a hand through my hair. "Miruna... Aish, she needs to stop hiding how stressed she is. I can't believe she hasn't said a thing to us. Maybe Lucien can talk some sense into her." I mumble to myself before getting out of the car and locking it. "I guess I should go in now." I say before running a hand through my hair once again. I go inside and join the girls.

Momo POV

I couldn't wait to meet the person that protected our adorable leader before we all became a group. "Momo calm down." I shake my head as we sit down at the table a waiter brought us to. "I can't wait to learn everything about our maknae! She's so adorable!" I reach over and pinch Miruna's cheeks, only for her jerk away from me. I frown and fake hurt. "Emmoa do you not love me anymore?" Miruna rolls her eyes. "I'm not your mom Momo unnie." I shake my head as I cover my eyes to pretend to cry. "Emmoa has disowned me!" Miruna hits me softly. "Stop it. You're making me look bad." I remove my hands from my face as I look at Miruna with fake tears in my eyes. "Do you love me emmoa?" She sighs softly and nods. I smile and pull her into a hug. "Yay!"

Ji-soo POV

"For the second eldest, you'd think you would act like it instead of the maknae." I look up from the menu after hearing Hana comment on Momo's actions. "You know she acts like that all the time, right?" I question Hana as I look back at the menu. "Yes, but she could act more mature." I close the menu and set it down. "Why? Is there something wrong with her acting childish?" Hana looks away as she mumbles something under her breath. "Guys please stop fighting." I look over at Miruna. "Sometimes I wonder what this group would do without you." She looks at me confused. "What do you mean? You guys work well with each other even when I'm not around." I nod slowly as Bo-song joins us. "Yes, but you're a wonderful leader."

Hana POV

I look over at Bo-song as she joins us. It felt nice to get out of the dorm, but I didn't really want to meet Lucien. I knew things would be awkward and I don't want to admit it, but I'm jealous of their friendship. I want to have a friendship like that, but I'm bad at showing my feelings. "I can't wait for you guys to meet Luci. She's so cool!" I roll my eyes. "Yeah and you think we'll all get along. I doubt she's as cool as you claim she is." I look away from everyone. I hadn't mean to say that, but I didn't like that someone else made Miruna happy like that. Not anyone deserves to see or have Miruna smile because of them. "Aw, Hana is jelly!" I glare at Momo. "No I'm not." She grins as she wraps an arm around Miruna. "Runa look, Hana is jealous." I get ready to get up and hit Momo, but Bo-song places a hand on my shoulder. "Momo leave Hana alone, we all know she's territorial and protective of our maknae. Hana calm down before you do something you'll regret." I sigh and look away. "Whatever." I grumble as I set my head on the palm of my head. "I know, but she's so fun to tease." Momo comments which earns a glare from me. "Bo-song unnie is right. Besides you all need to be on your best behavior and keep your arms to yourself. Luci isn't into the whole touchy feely thing unless she trusts you, which is rare." Miruna tells us as she moves away from Momo. I could tell Lucien meant a lot to Miruna, kinda like a mother daughter relationship than a friendship.

Miruna POV

I smile softly at my friends. I hope that Lucien likes them. I really miss singing and rapping with her, but she's busy with her own things now which means it'll be a while before we ever get to work together again. Though it probably doesn't help that I'm apart of a girl group. I listen to the girls talk as I wait for Lucien to arrive. I slowly get lost in my thoughts. I had to figure out how to break the news to the others that after this concert I'll no longer be their leader and our entertainment company is letting me leave the group to go solo until Lucien and I can go back to being Sx2. I inaudibly sigh as I bite my nails subconsciously, unsure how things will turn out.

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