Chapter 52- Motherly So

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Lucien POV
"Why'd you drag us here?"

"I want to tell you why I had to break it off with you."

"You could've told me another time."

"But we don't have that much time Shikari told me your leaving in four days and I would've try to call you but you changed your number," Ren states. With yet another yawn I try to look at him without swaying my body.

Why am I so out of it today?

I feel so tired right now. "So tell me why did we 'have' to break up?" I question emphasizing on the word have. "I'm really tired right now so I could use a nap."
"Are you wearing make up?" He questions narrowing his eyes on my face. "How much sleep have you gotten?"

"Recently not enough," I answer stretching my arms out. "Do you always change the topic?" With a heavy sigh he shakes his head.
"In order to renew our contracts we have a strict policy. We're not allowed to date," He answers.

"Oh that's pretty sad isn't it?" I question. "How lonely are you now icy lotus?"

"Shouldn't I ask you that? You look like your holding yourself up pretty well but I can see how you really feel," Ren states matter of fact.
"Yeah I'm sad I can't be with people that I love, but I still try to move on," I retort.

"So you're going on a date then? With who?" Ren questions. He doesn't sound angry but he doesn't sound happy either.

"Chanyeol. It's just for today. I don't know if it'll last, but that won't stop me from hoping," I smile up at him. "I do try to make the most of things."

Nodding our conversation breaks a little pass an hour. Chanyeol finds us then leads us to our rooms. "Do you still want to go on that date?" Chanyeol questions as I place my luggage down.

"Yeah I could use some fresh air," I say eagerly taking his hand in my own. Now at said movies we enjoy the day eating popcorn though in my defense he ate most of it while I ate some random candy.

The day was great but unexpectedly nothing came out of our date. He'd look at me as if deciphering something, but in the end nothing. "Are you worried about someone?" I question him.

"What did you and Ren talk about?" He questions in return.
"Clarifying why he broke up with me," I sigh with a pause in my step.

"Miruna told me what you did. Do you still love Ren or do you love Miruna?" He asks me softly.
"I'm trying to move on from that but yes I still love them though we'll always be just friends," I confess looking away from him. "We're not going to be anything more than friends now are we?"
"Lucien," Chanyeol sighs pulling me in a hug. "Usually girls are all over me but you're not like them."

"Of course I'm not. I don't actually like physical contact unless I really trust the person," I reply.

"So this is you trusting me?" Chanyeol questions. I nod yes though I didn't hug back.

"Chanyeol are we just friends?" I ask pushing him away as I look up at him.

"I don't know but ..... I understand you better now so let me hold you," Chanyeol says hurt that I push him away. "You don't always have to act so tough you know? You're always so scared. Let me protect you." Shaking my head I let out a light laugh.

"I don't need your protection sweetness," I reply this time pulling him in a hug. "But I do envy your bravery Chanyeol to ask to protect me of all people."  I laugh lightly again this time smiling into his warm embrace. "Usagi loves hugs but Kuma will melt if she continues hugging you fire boy." Letting go of him we talk all the way to our dorms.

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