Chapter 24- Miruna's Interview

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"Thank you for agreeing to do this interview Miss Phan," The lady says with a fake smile. I softly smile at her. "No need to call me that. Miruna is fine." The woman nods as she looks at her notes she has with her.

"I have a few questions here for you. Just answer them to the best of your ability." I nod as I look down at my hands trying to remain calm. "Is it true you're dating D.O of EXO?" I look at her and smile.

"Yes it is. Despite our different schedules we are keeping in touch rather well. On my off time if he's having to practice choreography or just doing his normal idol routine I'll pop by for a bit to say hey to him and the other members. If he's not busy at all and we both have time off we'll go on dates. Though I do like to surprise him and the boys by attending one of their concerts." I tell her, the smile never leaving my face.

"I see you really like him and EXO." I nod at the statement. "Yes, but I haven't always been a fan. I actually wasn't allowed to listen to kpop growing up. My mom thought that it was too promiscuous, but I eventually found it on my own. I'm glad to have found it." I explain to the lady.

"How do you feel about the fans of EXO that don't like you dating D.O?" I look down as I think carefully about my answer, but the question really made me feel bad though it shouldn't have. "I see. You're not happy with it." I look up at the lady with a confused look.

"Why are you putting words in my mouth? I never said that. I was merely thinking. Sure I have fans who don't like that I'm dating D.O or that D.O is dating me, but I don't feel unhappy. I respect my fans as well as EXO-Ls. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but if you start putting words in others mouths you'll never know how they truly feel because people tend to just go with the easiest route. Even I've done it before. For a second there I felt sorry for the fans that I'm dating D.O, but then I realized, why am I sorry that I'm happy. Maybe high school me would've completely felt sorry, but that me is not the woman here today. I've grown up, maybe you should to," I say causing the woman to shut up and look down at her notes.

"D-Different topic. How are you enjoying the show?" I sigh as I calm my nerves before answering. "The show is wonderful. I love getting to meet new people and hanging out with people that I'm able to be myself around."

"Is there anything you can tell us about the show?" I shake my head as I smile. "That'd be spoilers and we can't have spoilers leaking out. I can say I am enjoying working and hanging out with Lucien again."

"You and Lucien have a past together as many know. Was there any time you two were more than just friends?" I roll my eyes at the question. "Lucien is like family to me. She's actually been my protector since high school. I used to be a chubby girl which caused me to get picked on a lot, but Lucien saved me and the rest is history."

"You used to be chubby? As in fat?" I glare at the woman. "I wasn't fat. I was fluffy. Just because I had more meat on my bones than other girls does not mean I was fat." A dark aura surrounded me as I talked. "I was healthy, but I just wasn't skinny."

"Did you get-" Before she could finish I stood up. "If you're going to ask if I got my fat surgically removed, no. I worked out and lost it. I would never get surgery like that. I wouldn't give those popular girls the satisfaction. This interview is over. I have better things to do with my time then sit here uncomfortably while some woman questions me like some psychiatrist!" I say before walking out of the room. Clearly having a good influence from Lucien.

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