Chapter 56- It Happend

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"She's in tears again," Suga points out.
"I like her new haircut," Namjoon approves with a nod.
"Did you cut it?" Jimin questions.
"No," Miruna answers shortly.
"I did," V proudly answers.

"And I dyed it," a brunette chirps.
"Who are you?" J-Hope questions frighten by her sudden outburst.
"Nayu's her half sister," V answers to everyone who gasp.
"Still can't believe I travelled all the way from Japan to see her though I did manage to get her to sleep with coffee," Nayu admits sticking her tongue out like a child.
"Tell me how old are you? When did you get here? Are you married?" Miruna rambles on with her hands on Nayu's shoulders.

"Uhm ow," Nayu says outloud.
"Oh uh sorry," Miruna says withdrawing her hands from Nayu.
"I'm twenty three. I got here yesterday and no I'm not married, but I am engage to someone she knows," Nayu confesses revealing her ring. It's a simple silver ring swirl around a rhodenite.

"Who is it?" Lucien finally questions calm down from her cut.
"Si Woo," Nayu announces.
"Really? Where is he? I want to congratulate you both properly," Lucien says approvingly.

"Talking to his parents. Did you know that his father's from India while his mother's from Italy? His father's Hindu while his mom is a korean italian lady. They're really nice people," Nayu states.
"Yeah I remember them. Chiara would just ask Si Woo to help him cook or dress me in clothes she approved of while Sai just scold me for being to close to Si Woo. I couldn't even hug Si Woo without him scolding me, but Chiara approves of me when she realised who I was though Sai doesn't mind me as much," Lucien smiles.

"I could teach you the language but only if you teach me Sign Language and I want to meet our little sisters," Nayu requests in return.
"Deal," Lucien pipes up. "Oh wait what about your boss Somang?"
"She's holding down the fort at the cafe book shop," Nayu assures Lucien.
"Cafe?" Jimin questions.

"I work a simple barista life. It's a bookstore, cafe and everything homemade so you don't have to worry about what's in your meals and at night I'm a mechanic," Nayu explains for them.
"The coffee there is really good and she helped me build my car you know the Supernatural replica of Baby," Lucien states.
"So cool," Miruna flails her hands about practically with stars in her eyes. "What herbs do you favor on a cold day?"


"Hi," Reina hides shyly behind Lucien while So-Ra stare unamused.
"Hey," Nayu squats down to the two's height, "I'm Nayu." So-Ra stares up at Lucien uncertain but earns a nod.
"She's our sister the one mom hid from us," Lucien answers.
"It's so pretty!" So-Ra practically shouts staring at Nayu's ring.

"It is isn't it. My future husband made this for me," Nayu states.
"What's his name?" Reina questions now partaking in the conversation but held Lucien's hand nevertheless still frighten.
"My name is Si Woo," Si Woo says making a late entrance. Lucien pulls Si Woo down to her height then slaps his face lightly. "Thanks for the gift?"


"Where's Miruna?" Lucien questions.
"She left back on tour with EXO awhile back didn't you get her calls?" Ryoma retorts.
"Guess not then again I wouldn't know which phone it is," Lucien says mentally sweatdropping. Five phones, two for social media, one for work, one for her sisters, and one for V. Trick into a show with BTS Lucien's force to partake in random acts.

"Who finishes twelve spicy bowls of ramen first!" The judges shout as Lucien's stomach growls. Starting the 'competition' to no one surprise Lucien ate the most. "Next round is Couples!" The camera faces to Yoongi and Jimin dressed as females along with Lucien who wore a black dress and hair in a neat bun.

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