❤ S2 Ep7 ❤ - ❤ Easy Show ❤

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*Camera zooms in on Eun talking to a little girl with red hed hair who has her back turn on the camera then camera glitches over to show Danuja walking out of his room*

???: Danuja?

Danuja: *Turns to see his fellow seahorse members asleep (the ones still in a coma)* How are you guys here?

Mizu: Long story

G: Lets eat first

Shun: Yeah I'm starving

*They all walk together to the dining area*

Longmu: *Shouts* Hey guys *Waves over at them*

Xana: *Jokingly says* Took you long enough

Suno: Food!

Astrid, Joon, & Thorn: *Fist bumps the air like kids* Yes!

SuA: *Hands them each their meal* Sorry for the wait we're low on two staff members hope you enjoy *Smiles then walks away*

Danuja: *Looks down at his meal shock then eats slowly still unsure if any of this is real*

RK: Confused right?

Danuja: *Stops eating* Yeah

Qin: Same when we first got here we woke up in our rooms

Danuja: But I didn't

Suno: How'd you get here then?

Danuja: Mirrors

Jura: Cool *casually sits across of Joon who's sitting by Astrid enjoying her meal*

Danuja: Where are the others?

Suno: They should be awake

Danuja: Aren't we awake?

Suno: Well technically we were kind of knocked out of our body

Danuja: Because of Monarch?

Qin: No *Furrows brows confused*

G: She didn't do this to us

Danuja: Then who did?

*Before they can answer Eun and a red haired girl walk in*

Eun: *Looks around and spots Danuja and walks over to him* New friend! Meet Jin!

*Both Eun and Jin look strikingly similar to Monarch except Jin has silver eyes and curlier hair while Eun has red eyes with long black hair*

Jin: ...... Thank you for bringing Eun home

 Thank you for bringing Eun home

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(Thaw_Hearts: Yes she is blind)

Danuja: *Eyes widen at the similarity while everyone else doesn't notice to distracted by the food in front of them (Thaw_Hearts: Not that they'd notice)*

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