Chapter 19-Yeah I Know

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Lucien POV
"Yes I'm sending the prize over right now myself," I laugh looking away as I hold said package to prove it.
"Just making sure," Ryoma states over the phone.

"Check the package just one more time," Shikari instructs.

With a heavy sigh I do so. "It's exactly what we said it'd be now can I get back to actually driving?"
"Yes we'll hang up now," Ryoma states and with a ding he's gone. Placing the box on the seat next to me I shut my car door then put my seat belt on. Now at a certain adress I knock on the door.


"Oh my gosh you're Lucien Cavallero from that show my daughter and I watch!"

"I am and I'd like to deliver this to your daughter in person," I smile at the mother.

"Of course she should be here in a few minutes. Come. Come. come," she allows me to enter.

Miruna POV
"Sorry I'm late," I bow a bit embarrass of my tardiness.
"No no your just in time," Lucien smiles assuringly.
"Really?" I ask looking up as the mother allows us to sit in the living room.

"In fact she should be here any minute," The mother states as her door opens with a click. "Mom Andrea's coming over tonight is that okay?" Said teen questions walking in then sees us.

Frozen in place she looks between Lucien and me. "Hey Mina," Lucien casually greets holding a package out to her. "Congrats on winning the prize!"

With a fangirl scream the teen faints. "Well that was expected," Lucien says slowly as she places the package down next to the girl to check her pulse then nods to confirm Mina's fine.



Lucien pulls her phone out. "Now who is that?" I ask looking over at her.
"Dad. Do you mind if I take this call?" Lucien questions Mina's mother.
"Not at all family is important," She insists letting Lucien answer her phone call.

By the time Lucien call finally ends our fan wakes up. "Hey," I greet with my usual bright smile.
"H-H-Hi," she stutters in shock as she comprehends that SX2 is here.
"We brought you a gift I hope you enjoy," I smile as I give her the package.

"T-Th-Thank you so much!" She shouts taking the gift in her hand.
Opening it she pulls out SX2 merch along with a signature red leather jacket and the newest Shredded Wings logo.

Lucien POV
"Hope you don't mind I brought you the first jacket of Shredded Wings merch with the logo of course. It's also the first one to come out so take good care of it," I smile over at her. She kind of reminds me of Miruna when we met BTS.

"I will I swear," Mina declares with a squeal then puts the jacket on. After signing a few posters for her I spot a certain flag.

"Isn't this the pansexual flag?" I question raising a brow.
"Yeah thanks to your old vlogs I was brave enough to open up to my family about it," Mina admits.
"I'm glad you're open about it. It really is pretty brave of you to be open about who you are," I smile at her.

"Is it true your dad nearly choke on his drink when you told him you're bisexual?"

"The drink spilled out of his nose when I told him," I admit. "My sisters thought I'd be full on lesbian, but boy did I surprise them," I say rolling my eyes.

"Stop being sarcastic," Miruna snaps hitting me across the head like a mother.

"Ow okaasan that hurt," I whine rubbing the back of my head.

"Apologize to her."

"Fine geez I will," Turning to face her I take a deep breathe and hug her. "I'm so sorry for being rude to you." With no response back a sudden weight goes stiff. She passed out in my arms.


After awhile of fanning her she finally wakes up. "S-So-Sorry."
"It's fine you should've seen how I was when I first met Ren," I smile warmly at the thought then shake it off earning a smile from Miruna.
"Yeah I've been wondering are you and Ren just a thing in the show or what?" She questions confused.



Answering my phone I put it on speaker. "Just who we were talking about. Wanna answer a question for a huge fan of the show?" I ask him.
"I guess it depends on the question," he replies.


"Lucky my daughter has father fed you yet?" I question casually.
"Yes I have," Ren answers with ease causing Mina to let out a shriek.
"And that answers your question. See you at rehearsals Icy lotus," I smile.
"See you there butterfly swamp," Ren says.

"Love you," I chirp earning an I love you back from him then hang up.
"You two have such odd nicknames," Miruna says outloud then smacks a hand over her mouth.
"Accidents happen," I shrug.

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