Chapter 29- My What?

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Lucien POV

"Did you see the interview?" Miruna questions barging in my temporary room.
"Interview?" I question think remember yesterday.
"Stop playing dumb!" She whines shaking me by the shoulders. "Aren't you angry?"

Angry yeah beyond

"I think it's funny," I answer with a closed eye smile.
"Funny? How is that funny to you?" Miruna questions me confused.
"Because my acting skills have proven to make the world seem that I'm sweet," I answer. "I haven't made any scary scenes because I don't know how my sisters will feel about starring in them but I plan to make some in the upcoming season."

"You're so full of yourself you almost had me fooled," she says bluntly.
"Thanks," I say in my usual monotonous tone. "Wasting time on what the media thinks isn't a thing I do. I prefer to spend time with what actually matters."
"You mean like your family and anime?" Miruna questions with a are you serious look.

"Yup there's nothing wrong with my life so long as I atleast have them," I wave off sitting up. "Oh and since I obviously didn't get the audition I'll be making several calls to someone in America. They gave me inspiration on my next episodes and honey the endings are going to be great."
"Endings? How many are you making?" Miruna questions.

"Two of course. I'm a very indecisive person and my do I love my ending," I smile.

Miruna POV
With that dark expression of Lucien I visibly shiver then pat her head. She really is angry, but with all those years of acting she's mastered a blank exterior. "I'll leave you to blow off some steam then," I smile down at her then make an a line out of there. In the kitchen I find all the ingredients needed to make her favourite meal.
"Need some help?" Jin questions scaring me.

"Oh uh well I'm actually making food to cheer Lucien up," I start off.
"Why would she be upset?" Suga questions confused as he walks in.
"The latest interviews about the show," I answer as a few others begin to walk in. Pestering me about the video I finally show them the interview to which they all sum up semi on the same page of what Lucien must feel.

Lucien POV

"Suga, Jin, and Miruna made food. Want to eat?" V questions as I facetime my little girls/ sisters/daughters.
"I'm fine," I reply back not moving once from my spot.
"You need to eat," So-ra huffs furrowing her brows as she communicates to me through sign language.
"I'll be fine I want more time with you two," I reply back in sign language.

"Are you sick?" So-ra questions as we continue to speak through sign language.
"Home sick just miss you both," I reply honestly with a smile.
"We miss you too but you need to eat," she stops for a sec to speak to Reina then nods her head and looks over to me. "Your health is just as important as ours. Go eat you can face time us another time." With that she ends the chat.

"You sure you don't want to eat?" V questions with a cheeky smile.
"Not really but I could go for a drink right now," I sigh standing up with my blankets wrap around me. Walking in the kitchen I grab a strawberry milk from the fridge then walk back into my room. I click on a random anime to watch and sip my drink in peace.



"So you're sad now?" Miruna questions.
"I'm an emotional mess can't you see the tears falling?" I question flooding with sarcasm.
"I made your favourite meal with help from the guys," She tries to convince me to unlock the door.
"Not hungry," I reply back.
"I also have more strawberry milk and a Tokyo Ghoul plushie of Juuzou," Miruna says.

"I really hope your not lying to me honey because I love Juuzou," I sigh knowing she'll keep this up if I don't unlock the door. Unlock she along with the guys hop in. V's holding Mochi Juuzou while Miruna held four more strawberry milks and Suga held tacos.

 V's holding Mochi Juuzou while Miruna held four more strawberry milks and Suga held tacos

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Miruna POV

Holding her arms out for the Juuzou V holds it just out of her reach. "Give me." With no intention in giving it to her anytime soon Lucien grabs a strawberry milk from me then balls up on her bed with the blanket wrap around her.

"Mummy Light," Jin mumbles as Lucien turns her back on them to continue watching some anime.
"You need to find your happy place," I sigh.

"My what?" She questions as she pauses her episode to look back over at us.

Lucien POV
You'd think they would all take the hint that I prefer to be alone, but no everyone just likes to burst my mini utopia. "I could really go for a nap right now so if you could all please leave I'm not in the mood for social events."

"No we're gonna talk to you," Miruna chimes up with an upset scolding motherly expression. "That interview isn't the only thing that has you upset is it?"

"Well I rather not speak of it at all, but if you must know it's in the past. People move on I just happen to be the best at it," I answer slightly unwavered by her attempts to 'cheer' me up.

"I'll just leave these here then," she sighs placing the milks next to my bed then walks out with the guys. Suga ate the tacos he had while V being the last placed Juuzou on my bed then pats my head and walks out. That light pat on the head was in some sense a way to lift my nonexistent spirit up some. Wonder if Miruna understood that code of language.

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