Chapter 22- Sweet Betrayal

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Lucien POV
Prepared for the challenge of the day I sigh and look down at my text message. Ren's been very busy lately and ever since that picture V's been stealing my bowties I forgot I even packed while Suga steals my pokemon merch. Pretty annoying I'll admit but I know they mean well. Atleast that's what Miruna would think. Wouldn't she?

"Ready Lucien?" Shikari questions cutting me out of thought.
"Yeah," I answer sending one last text to Ren then tuck my phone away. Now on stage I look around at the crowd. Not one face looks familiar in fact I'd even say they look blurry. This stage is big enough for ten groups.

"Lucien? Lucien?!?" Someone snaps me back to reality once more.
"Sorry what were you speaking about?" I question RM who sighs.
"Dance off hello," Suga states in a oh so sassy tone.
"Ladies first," I reply in a duh tone earning oooh's from the crowd.

Rolling his eyes Jungkook starts off.
Just as my part comes Miruna cuts me off by joining in their performance.

She's on their side?
How nice of her to do.

"Sad aren't you butterfly swamp?" Ren's voice questions. Making a spot for his group BTS and Miruna smile over at me. "Miss me?"
"That why you brought back up? Think I'll go easy on you all for my icy lotus?" I laugh on the microphone then snap my fingers.

The lights go off as the crowd one by one turn the lights on their phone on. "Can't trust anyone these days now can you?" Lights come back on to reveal TWICE and VIXX.
"Except for family of course," I smile over at them. "Let's get the water running now." Just as I say that water emerges to the surface like mini waterfalls.

"Didn't think we'd be dancing on dryland now did you?"

"Bring it on!" RM cheers on.

3rd POV
Dance after dance neither side seem to be winning over the other as both seem equal with Sx2 facing each other as lead of their own group. Just as a tie was about to be announced Dreamcatcher's appear for Lucien. Winking over at Lucien Dami starts off the dance picking up where Lucien left off. Jeongyeon, Dami, and Lucien being the only three dress masculine like while both Ren and Jungkook dressed feminine like. Stunning as the groups were one victor has yet to be declared. 

Tired out one by one BTS, Nu'est, Dreamcatcher, and TWICE members come to a halt until only Dami, Jeongyeon, Lucien, Miruna, Ren, and RM were left on stage. Flawless in their dance Lucien and Ren keep their cool while the others seem to be slowing down the pace. Just as they thought RM was going to win a Lady Gaga remix begins to play. Our song Lucien and Ren thought in unison.
Their dance becoming so intense that Dami, Jeongyeon, Miruna, and RM stop to watch Ren and Lucien dance.

It became noticeable to all Lucien was far less serious and more into the song while Ren was far more focus then ever. Drowning the world out Lucien mentally smiles to the beat.
The two being not just a couple of dorks, but Lady Gaga fans. Before they know it Ren falls into Lucien's arms making her the victor, though technically Lucien won the second RM stop dancing.

"Just couldn't beat that salty ending now could you?" Lucien questions then laughs genuinely happy and hugs Ren. Hugging back he notices her shaky shoulders and sees her in tears though the audience could easily mistake them for water from the stage. Looking up at him her smile strikes him like a fresh wound. It's moments like this that reminded him just how he fell for her. The rare moments where she smiles just for him, but he does feel guilty for leaving her alone often while he's with his group.

"I love you Ren," she says but the audience being loud couldn't hear a word she said only see her pull Ren into a kiss causing awes from the crowd to erupt. Just as she pulls away he says," I love you too," and pulls her back for another this time when they pull away he rests his arms around her waist. He missed her just as much as she missed him.

Walking on stage Shikari whispers into Miruna's ears. "Special guests are awaiting you." To that Miruna pales and walks to the backstage seeing all of EXO and DiVerse.


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