❤S2 Ep4❤ - ❤ Greet The Beat ❤

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*Camera glitches revealing the words two days later in bold green then shows Monarch looking rather refresh and chirpier than usual as she spins around until she stumbles upon someone*

Monarch: *Looks up at them with a closed eye smile* Sorry about that uhm your the one stuck with jokers 1 and 2 right?

V: Yeah... You're Kookie's partner, right? Your name is Monarch, if I remember correctly

Monarch: Si pero .... I've been to busy so I don't even know where to start even if I did give him all the data I have on angels in my drive I still want to physically help out

V: Well we're trying to summon the archangel Raphael. I think the one closest to doing it is Hye-seong and her group... Man summoning angels is difficult alone. *smiles at her with his cute boxy smile* I guess that means I just have to work harder

Monarch: To bright *Mumbles and stands up* Man am I starving *Pulls drink out of backpack and takes a chug from it then yawns as she tucks her drink away* Anyways where was I? Oh yeah *Looks up at him with her eyes shut yet a smile's plastered on her face* We can always see if Mr.Vyn will let us team up. All Kookie and I need is Holy oil which Comet beat us to but I can always get more and of course we've yet to write imprisoning sigils *groans and jokingly hits her head* I'm such a slacker

V: I've actually gotten the imprisonment sigils down. It's the only thing I've been able to get done

Monarch: Really? Well if you need any help we can help *Turns back on him* I have a few people to visit now see ya *Waves V goodbye*

*Camera glitches to Day6 and VIXX sparring. Monarch watches as Hyuk (Werewolf) , Ken (Mummy), Hongbin (Vampire), and Ravi (Frankenstein) are wrap in thorns while Jae Park, Young K, and Wonpil are the only ones of their group unharm. Leo (Ghost) manages to possess Jae but seconds later is push out as Jae collapses*

Monarch: *Tilts head to the side and smiles offering a hand* Need some help Chicken Potter?

Jae: Don't call me that. I don't need your help freak *Smacks her hand away then stands up pushing glasses up* Keep your hands to yourself

N: Though I could use the help if you don't mind

Monarch: Not at all what would you like for me to do?

Leo:What are you a genie now?

Monarch: What are you alive now?

Leo: *Runs towards her with the intent to possess her only for him to bounce back* Why can't I possess you?

Monarch: This keeps any and every creature from possessing me *Reveals a small silver bracelet with ancient sigils of sorts in jars as charms* Welcome to the life of abnormals

N: *Flicking his finger over to Young K said person is flown through a tree* Weak plant

Wonpil: Young K! *Is also flown in said direction*

*N doesn't notice the thorns making their way towards him until they've made it's way around his waist*

Jae: *Glares and shouts angry* Move!

Monarch: I think that's enough Chicken Potter

Jae: *Grits teeth in anger then turns to face her* I said not to call me that! *Waves hands over to entangle themselves around Monarch who flinches but stands unfaze despite in pain* Your weaker now I can tell *Pulls her head back to see her eyes shut* Your pathetic

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