Chapter 53- Partial Role

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"Welcome to another ep we have the disbanded duo Sx2 here with BTS. Today we're playing a dance off seeing as everyone here's experience in some way we'll choose your partners but one of you will have an extra dancer since there's an uneven number," the responder instructs as Lucien simply sat alone staring blankly ahead. RM and Miruna are paired together with Jimin and J-Hope while Jin and Jungkook are team up with Lucien, Suga, and V. The two leaders of the groups came up. Jin and J-Hope.

First songs played for each group

Round 1:

Team J-Hope: Witch by BOYFRIEND

Team Jin: Now Or Never by SF9

No one is eliminated.

Round 2:


Team Jin: TT by TWICE

The judges are slightly surprise to see Jimin and Jungkook stumble to their feet while Amai Usagi (Lucien) shows. Both Jimin and Jungkook are eliminated. A mini round begins with both group dancing to Hobgoblin by CLC, but to no avail no one else is eliminated.

Round Three:

Team J-Hope: Piri by Dreamcatcher

Team Jin: Voodoo Dolls by VIXX

Suga is eliminated.

Round Four:

Team J-Hope: Break Free by Ariana Grande

Team Jin: Umbrella by Rihanna

No one is eliminated but the others cheer on their team.

Round Five:

Team J-Hope: Labyrinth by Mondo Grosso

Team Jin: Sanbika by Eir Aoi

RM, J-Hope, Jin, and V are taken out leaving the final round to both Miruna and Lucien. "Time for the bonus round of course we don't expect either of the two to dance to it," the main judge laughs smirking. The cameraman making seem like there's fire around the judges as it zooms out with a creepy laugh in the background the returns everything back to normal. Lucien thought nothing of it while Miruna worried. "Here you two will have to wear these," The judges say holding out one pair of cat ears and bunny ears. "The rule for this bonus is that the ears can not fall off during your performance."

"Win this for Worldwide handsome!" Jin shouts cheering on Lucien who gladly places the bunny ears on.
"I'll win this for you Leader-Sama dattebayo!" She shouts back to Jin earning cheers from her team while RM helps Miruna place her cat ears on. As Miruna faces Lucien they avoid each others gaze. Fantasy by VIXX plays then transitions over to Peek-A-Boo by Red Velvet that slips to Fake Love by BTS.

On the ground with her eyes shut Lucien had it to where it seem like Miruna covered her eyes then turns to face everyone opening her eyes to reveal black eyes before they can continue Miruna's ears slip off simultaneously as Psycho by HISTORY begins to play leaving Miruna frozen in place while Lucien moves away as if it never happen. Lucien then begins to dance to it her expression as blank as ever while everyone stares shock. The cameramen zoom in to each of their reactions. The clash ends with Lucien lifting her shirt up, she casually stands back up pulling her shirt down then questions outloud," Did we win?"

"Did you know you had a six pack?" The judge questions as the others nod or look away from the camera.

"Nope I was just hoping for the best on that ...... Actually I don't like to look at my body. I hate mirrors," Lucien admits.


Interviewer: So what's it like working with BTS Lucien?

Lucien: Fun they're all really funny

Interveiwer: What features do you like most about them?

Lucien: *Laughs it off and looks away from the camera to drink a strawberry milk then looks back at the questionnaire* You serious about the questions?

Interviewer: *Nods* We'd like to know what you first noticed about each one. What do you like most about them?

Lucien: Kookies's attempts to cook, J-Hope's reactions to scary movies, Meow Meows eyes, Jinnie's laugh, Joonie's smile, Jiminie's lips, and V

Interviewer: Nicknames for each one? *Raises brow* Why just V? What specifically do you enjoy about him?

Lucien: Everything. He's perfect the way he is, but I don't talk much with any of them now in days *Shrugs*

Interviewer: Merely because you like to focus on your job

Lucien: *Shakes head* I hate my job

Interviewer: *Looks through some notes* We've seen you not only fund and care for both Rabbit and Fox Island, but teach self defense classes to abused women, educate us a little more through the basics of psychology through a very unique path, and are now a well known advocate for the LGBTQ. What fuels you to do all these things?

Lucien: I am an animal person. I love caring for them. For me to see one abused it hurts. As for self defense classes my mother was in fact a victim of abuse which is why I believe we with smaller body builds should learn to defend ourselves. My mind yearns to bestow knowledge onto those who wish to learn which is why a majority of my recent album's are being purchased by those in the medical field

Interviewer: So it's fun and secretly educational? Like a code yet to be deciphered?

Lucien: Exactly like that *Takes off black eye contacts* I'm not attractive in anyway but my skill balances it out so it's the least I can do to the population


On screen the guys and Miruna watch Lucien's interview. When they hear what Lucien enjoys about BTS said mentioned group look at one another then all stare at V who stares in disbelief of the words. "I'm going to leave now since you don't need anything else so goodbye and I wish you all a nice day," Lucien says with a bow only to be bribed with green tea and dangos. "Okay maybe a little longer."


"So you think I'm perfect?" Lucien chokes on a bite of carrot cake at the question. She manages to stop choking by a chug of strawberry milk Jungkook hands her. With a small thank you she sighs. "So you all saw me answer them ..... That's nice." Poking her face Lucien shuts her eyes in an attempt to calm her nerves.

"V please don't poke my face I'm not a toy nor a mirage," Lucien says. V pouts crossing his arms.
"Answer me Usagi," V whines.
"That was an answer to your question," Lucien replies about to eat more cake only for V to take it away.
"I'll buy you a bigger carrot cake if you stay longer," V bribes.

"Two days."
"Three days."
"Two days."
"I said two."
"And I said three."

"Give me the cake first."
"Shake on it."

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