Chapter 31-Idiot

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3rd POV

On the search for Lucien the group find her casually sitting at a table just outside a cafe. She's on her laptop doing sign language once more no doubt with her little sisters. "You don't need to worry. I am fine So-Ra Reina take care of each other okay?" She mouths as she continues. After several minutes or so they end each others talk. Shutting the laptop off Lucien tucks her laptop away.

RM, V, and Miruna being the only few to still watch her like a hawk seeing her sip from a cup as a waiter hands her a bowl of chocolate sprinkled pretzels. Impatient V finally walks over to her casually taking a seat across from her. "Why did you leave?" V questions.

"It brought a bad memory up," she says rather bluntly.

"I remember watching a few of your interviews even vlogs and what I noticed," V smiles over at her. "You don't like celebrating your birthday or any questions about your family."

"I found those questions hard to answer directly," she answers.
"But you answer mine just fine," He points out.

"Yeah but that's only because I know your not the type to expose my life,"  she hums taking a sip from her drink.
"What makes you say that? For all you know I'm secretly a fanboy," he says.

"If you were a hardcore fan you'd have gone to the dark side and ship Mirucien. That is what most fans ship after all,"  She states then begins to eat. V joins in by snatching the pretzel from her grasp. Instead of what Miruna's immediate expection of V being hit Lucien remain her cool and instead gave her bowl of pretzels to him while she continued to chug her drink. Though Miruna had the thought of V being a possible new friend of Lucien's she knew something else could go awry in so she walked away with spirals of situations running through her mind of what could occur.

Lucien POV
"The shoe flew with the ball and no one said anything they just let it happen," I wave off explaining a time in P.E. at High School causing V to laugh as we walk back to the place.
"You had us all so worried," Suga comments with a yawn then walks in his room.

"Did they really think I ran away?" I ask to no one in particular.
"Well we couldn't find any of your stuff so yeah," V shrugs.
"But I give my stuff away online for my hardcore fans," I state.

"Your weird," RM comments then lightly hits the top of my head and walks away.

"Everyone needs love even the Choco pretz bowlsite," I shout over to his direction.

"That's a thing?" Miruna questions.
"Yup and the founder of it won a 'date' with me," I air quote the word date. "Which was what I was on before you guys showed up."

"What do you mean guys?" Jimin questions cutting in.
"Before I shut off my laptop I checked your locations. Nothing hard you can do if you have an iphone your easier to find and can easily be hack," I state. "No wonder you chose to be a member of Hackers as the main stars of your show. You act like a real one," Jin comments.

"Thanks though I didn't mean to," I say walking away I take another strawberry milk from the fridge then head to my room only to be stopped by V.

"You said you'd sell your stuff online does that mean you got rid of the game?" V questions glum.
"Nein," I cross my arms as if to form an X. "It helps me sleep quicker so there's no way I'm getting rid of it." His face seem to light up at that sentence.

"Then let's play it," V urges placing his hands on my shoulders. I push him quickly away then walk in my room and take the console from under my bed. Walking in the living room I set it up with him over my shoulder. "Sorry for the push I don't like being touched by people that I'm not close to."
"It's okay you can just help me get better at this game and slowly grow close into friends," V pops the idea.


"Back to your places, come on people make up and hair needs to be done. No running!" Miruna's manager shouts clapping her hands together.

So annoying

Guess it's time to ruin her

"Lucien!" V shouts.
"Oh uh hey V," I say slowly tucking my laptop away. Information on Sue's a little harder to gather than I thought.

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