Chapter 17-So It Matters?

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Lucien POV

"What's the surprise?" I question him on the phone.
"It's a surprise," He answers over the phone.
"Obviously," I sigh rolling my eyes. My other phone begins to play You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish plays. "I'll see you there then bye."

Hanging up I answer the call. "M.P. here how's it going Miruna?"
"I thought we were supposed to go on our journey today. Where are you Luz?" Miruna questions.
"I sent you a text. Said we'd leave in two weeks, but I guess you never read it. Anyways we have a date to go on. Pick you up at six," I answer with a lie then hang up on her.

Miruna POV

"A date? I've never been on a date. Also she needs to stop lying to me. It's getting annoying," I say to myself as I get ready for this quote on quote date. My phone dings as I finish changing. I look to see that I'm tagged in a post that's talking about who I'm supposedly dating.

I roll my eyes and ignore it as I practice drawing random things, but eventually draw cartoonish versions of our characters for Shredded Wings. I found the designs cute yet dark which sort of fitted with the show's theme.

Lucien POV
Checks phone for messages but finds that Miruna has yet to read the message she had sent about the trip.
"Done!" A certain male chirps as I tuck my phone away and frown.
"Why so sad?" Ren questions poking my cheek.
"Miruna hasn't read any of my messages," I pout crossing my arms.

"Did you call her?"
"She called me and I told her but I don't think she believes me."
"Then tell her in person."

"I will," I sigh once more cuddling in his arms as we watch another movie.
Once the movie is over I check the time. ".... Oh my gosh I'm late again," I hop out of my comfty spot. "I have to go now see you tomorrow!" I shout about to run out the door only for him to spin me around pulling me in another hug.

"We're going on a real date tomorrow," Ren states.
"See you there then though I prefer sleeping in your warm arms," I admit about to snuggle back in his arms only for Miruna's ringtone to play. Snap out of my comfortable spot I sigh as he let's go of me. He's so warm.

"No sleep for me."

Shaking my head I pull the phone out and answer it,"I'm heading there right now." With yet another quick hug I leave.

Miruna POV

After I call Lucien I check through my messages seeing the one Luci was talking about earlier, but before I answer I get distracted by a notification. It was a Facebook notification from my mom, tagging me in some picture of when I was three. I roll my eyes forgetting about Lucien's message. "Luci should be here any minute now." I mumble to myself as I put my phone in my pocket.

I hear a knock on my door and go answer it to see Lucien. "Took you long enough small fry." I tease her, not really caring too much that she's late. "Were you with your boyfriend?" I keep teasing her.
"Which one?" She jokes back. "Don't tell me my sweet wife is jealous?" She continues teasing me.

"Bought you some things," she chirps holding out a medium-sized plain white bag that she obviously took the time to doodle on. Symbols of all my favorite bands drawn on them. I take the bag from her.

"I'm not jealous at all. Though I think that my fans are getting on my nerves about if I'm supposedly dating a member of EXO or not. Like if I were it shouldn't matter. I'm sadly not, but if I were I would tell you and knowing you, you'd help me deal with the situation."

I allow Lucien inside so I can look inside the bag. "If you were dating someone, you know you could tell me. I'll definitely keep it a secret until you tell others yourself because dating is a personal thing."

"Then again I don't have to tell you if it's obvious. We're like sisters Miruna so it would be obvious for us," Lucien sighs as I pull out mini BT21 cushions, a Strong girl Bong Soon poster with Park Bo-Young and Park Hyung-Sik armwrestling personally sign by them along with two tickets to an exclusive art museum. "I hope you don't mind our date's at an art museum. It also took me awhile but I got mini versions of BT21. You do still like them right because if you don't I could just return them for more Nu'est merch."

I roll my eyes and smile at her. "Oh I know you have a boyfriend, I'm just not sure if it's Ren or someone else. Also yes I'm still into BT21 and the art museum is a wonderful date. Just hope your boyfriend won't get jealous." I joke about whoever she's dating getting jealous of us hanging out.

"Oh please if this makes them jealous what's the point in us dating?" Lucien brushes off. "Now let's go!" She cheers fistbumping the air then reaches in her pocket. Phone out she reads her text. With a quick text back she tucks it away. "Where was I again? The art museum. It's not going to wait for us." I giggle softly as we leave to the art museum.

At the art museum I'm practically absorbed in how beautiful everything is. I'm a huge art nerd, but only a select few know that aka Lucien and my parents, maybe a few fans. "So cool!" My eyes practically have stars in them, if I was a cartoon character that is.
Lucien smiles over at me then points over to an artist attempt to replicate Vincent Van Gogh's art. One of her favorite artist of all time.

Lucien POV
Interrupted by a growl I place a hand over my stomach. "Time for us to ditch this place and head out," I chirp taking Miruna's hand. Now at a cafe we order some food. "I'll have dumplings and a chicken bulgogi with a mocha frappe." Miruna just smiles. "I'll just have a hot chocolate."

"So about our songs. Do you want to play one of them in the show? Plan on dating him?" I whisper the last question. I don't need to pick out names since I've a good clue on who it is. Her face turned red at the last question.

"Song in the show is fine and I'd love to do the other thing, but I'm not sure if feelings are mutual." I could tell she was trying not to stutter as she spoke. "Cute red face," I smile twirling a strand of her hair teasingly then let go of her. "Aish, you actually make it seem like we're dating. You need to do that with your actual boyfriend."

"I will tomorrow," I smile with a shrug. "Besides if it keeps the others from spreading rumors about my wife then I'm all good to make it seem like we're on a long needed date," I answer with a shrug.

"Yeah, but I want one rumor to be true. If I were to be dating him." A smile forms onto her lip as a blush starts to cover her cheeks. She sighs softly before drinking some of her hot chocolate. She truly is love struck.

Miruna POV

I know it's obvious that I like Kyungsoo aka D.O, but I couldn't help it. When the rumors that I'm possibly dating him or an EXO member started I became secretly ecstatic about. I wanted to make the rumors true, but I'm a shy marshmallow so I don't have the confidence to make it true. "Maybe I should officially say that the rumors are untrue. I don't really want them to be, but I... I can't let something false circulate. Luci what should I do?" I look at her with a cute face hoping she'd help me figure this out.

"We should go to the fair to get your mind's off things. You remember our promise right? The one where we'd never go to the fair without the other? Well I heard there's going to be one here. Nothing special but it's nice. If you don't want to go though I could help you ask your date," Lucien whispers the last sentence to make sure no one else hears. Minutes later she finishes her meal then pays for us. "You're such a cutie Miruna. Honestly you'll go to waste at this rate. Let's go tomorrow. Yeah?"

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