Chapter 12-Why

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Lucien confused looks over at me. "I take it there's a good reason about this?" I stop stuffing my mouth with food and give her the so-so signal. "My manager thinks that I should go solo until you finish your show then reboot Sx2. She doesn't think the show will go so well so she has high hopes of our comeback happening sooner. I see how smart that can be, but I don't know if it's the smartest idea." I explain to them. In all honesty I just wanted to hide away from all of this, but I had to keep up appearances for others to be happy. If they're happy, I'm happy? I have no clue anymore. "Don't think too much about it Miruna. I know you're struggling with all of our responsibilities right now, but just let us worry about it and you take a breather so you can keep from breaking down." Bo-song says in a soothing voice as a way trying to calm me. "Yeah eomma! That's what we are here for! We are your innertube when you feel like you're drowning in everything!" Momo says loudly and proudly. Hana and Ji-soo nods, agreeing with what both Bo-song and Momo.
Lucien stays quiet as she eats then stops to look up at me."The show is merely for fun so I don't care if it lasts long or not. Sx2 isn't having a come back because we still need to speak alone and I'd rather not argue about it in front of your friends."

I nod to show I understand. "Anyways, Luci I talked to my mom the other day and she said that if we ever want to take a break from the idol life we can go back to America and crash at her home while smothering us with care and protection from crazed fans or whatever. So I was thinking that some day we can go see her because she hasn't seen you in years." I tell her as I change the subject to get it off of the whole needing to talk thing.

She frowns and shakes her head. "Don't know about that but it sounds like a plan after my weeks of show time," she sighs," I could use a break but knowing my luck I'll wind up being asked to cast in a movie or song and you know how managers and appearances seem when others deny 'golden' opportunites like that." She emphasizes on the word golden. "Speaking of which have you gone on any dates yet? My sweet Marshmallow is gone so what's left?" She waits for me to answer then answers."The shy icecream sundae but I hate sundaes. What to do? Tell me what are your opinions on the show? It's not much but it's a place for bands to have fun acting. Chances to answer are just so weird don't you think?" Answer correctly and she'll most likely stay if not she'll leave. What to do? How would the others answer this?

"To answer your on dating, no I've been single since high school. I'm not good with the whole dating thing. Yes I've been asked, but no one has really caught my heart or eye. To answer your question about the show, I've been too busy with writing songs, planning the future concerts, making and producing the music, helping stylist know which person is good with what, learning and occasionally helping with making the choreography... Sorry I'm sure you don't want to be bored with the details of what I'm doing," I answer as I scratch my neck nervously. I knew I shouldn't be doing all of that by myself, but I'm used to making others happy before myself.

"You really haven't changed much," Lucien sighs forcing yet another smile. "I don't know how you do it. Your probably the only person that's ever been so selfless. I haven't sing or dance in a while so I'm curious to know more about your routines." I nod as I finish my food. "I'll teach you some later. I'm busy with DiVerse's upcoming concert so I'll show you afterwards. I'll be free since my manager has already finalized me leaving DiVerse. I'm probably going to go back to America for some time before continuing on with the idol life." I tell them as I watch them. Bo-song sighs softly as she looks at me. "I'll take responsibility for the concert Miruna. You can spend your free time with Lucien." She tells me before finishing her food. The others finish their food shortly after.

Lucien snaps her fingers as if a lightbulb went off in her head. "I have a great idea. Why don't we do a surprise appearance and announce to the fans a comeback? We can even do a song together. I can see it now DiVerse featuring Sx2. Means you get time with all of us. Plus we can't just leave your group without a proper goodbye. We can even have a small party afterwards just us girls."

Momo's eyes light up at the idea. "Yes! You could preform one of your most popular songs, Sweet Nightmares. I personally loved it because it features of your personalities wonderfully as well as your voices. I think it's the first song that Miruna actually rapped." I blush and nod. Despite being the leader of DiVerse, for now, I rarely rapped because they wanted me to focus more on my singing though I did occasionally rap. "We can if you guys want." Bo-song nods to agree with the idea. Hana looks at me with a surprised look. "You're serious about leaving?" I could tell she felt betrayed. "But I'll always be the maknae that babied you," I tell her as I smile at her. She rolls her eyes. "I think we should do it. Hey Lucien, if your show does well maybe Miruna could join it. If she does we'd definitely know she's safe."

"The episodes of course need a wider cast which is why I was actually going to ask for all of you to partake in the show as well. Miruna will always be the persistent type so I have a great plotline in my head. Of course everything's up here in my very own mind palace and won't come out for a good month or two," Lucien admits tapping her skull three times. "Anyways think about it. I'll see you all sometime soon hopefully," Lucien whispers that last word with a tired look as a car pulls up. We all say our goodbyes to Lucien before she leaves. I was glad to hangout with her again.

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