Chapter 15- Done Deal

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Miruna POV

I arrive to the meet up spot and feel my confidence drain, but I smile at everyone and act like I'm fine so I can actually make more friends. "Hey Miruna!" I look over at Chanyeol and Sehun. I slightly wave at them and walk over to them. "Hey Chanyeol, hey Sehun."

I feel a weight land on my shoulders causing me to tense up only to relax when I see it's Kai. "Aish. You nearly gave me a heart attack." The three boys laugh. "Oh come on, if anyone were to give you a heart attack it's D.O hyung."

I raise an eyebrow at Kai's statement. "What do you mean?" The three boys smirk as Kai pulls out his phone and goes through it until he finds a screenshot of a tweet. My eyes widen when I see it's one of my tweets from years ago. "Delete that picture Kai!" I say as I try to grab the phone from him only for him to swiftly give it to Chanyeol.

I glare at Chanyeol. "Delete it." He shakes his head. "Why should I? I'm sure D.O would love to see this," He teases her as he holds the phone up high out of my reach. "What you four doing?"

I look at Amber and grab her arm. "Please get the phone from Chanyeol. It has a screenshot of an embarrassing tweet." She laughs at my pouting and plead for help. "What's so embarrassing about it?" She asks them. "If I had to be stuck in a kdrama with any EXO member it'd be D.O because he's so cute."

I blush and glare at Chanyeol. "I was a stupid teen when I tweeted that okay," I tell them as I let go of Amber the four of them laugh loudly, causing a scene. "Where's Lucien when you need her?" I grumble as the four of them keep laughing while the others stare confused.

Lucien POV

Inside my trailer I sigh looking for a light switch. Once I get my hands on it I immediately regret it. "Ahhh my eyes! My poor terribly kept eyes."


"Aigoo! You scared me Ren," I sigh relief as I place a hand over where the area of a heart should be nearly tripping over my own foot.
"Sorry we just keep getting interrupted," Ren admits.
"So you want to pick up from the last real conversation we had?" I question falling on my small sofa, but I attempt to quickly recover and 'casually' sit back up with my Pokemon plushie on my lap.
"Other than our scripts yes," Ren admits with an amuse smile.

"First just one question. Did you by any chance find my phone?" I ask him.
"Yeah," He replies handing me my phone.
"What is it then?" I ask as he takes a seat across from me. Taking my hand in his he looks me directly in the eyes.

"I don't want us to just be written on scripts or shipped by fans. I want to be more than what you see me as. So will you accept me as your date in this world and not just the show?" Ren questions.
"So that is why you requested the latest episodes to try and get me in your grasp?" I question.
"Yeah .... I'm sorry if it was a bit much," Ren replies looking away with his hands no longer on top of my own.

"It wasn't at all. Most people would request a kiss scene but you chose a fireworks scenario. It was nice," I admit with a smile. "Now that I think about it it's probably my favorite scene in the show."
"So you will go out with me?" Ren questions.

"Of course besides the door is right there," I joke then check the time. "We need to head back. Also lets not tell anybody until we make a surprise scene for the shippers and oh my gosh Miruna's going to be so mad at me."

Taking his hand we walk out the trailer. Of course I made sure to lock it first. "Hey guys I have some news!" I shout waving my hands about.

Miruna POV

I heard Lucien as she approached us. I ran over to her and Ren. Despite her being shorter than me, I pull her into a hug. "Finally you're here! I need your help." I say almost whining.
"Oh come on Miruna it's just a stupid tweet," Sehun teases me as Chanyeol, Kai and Amber laugh and snicker. "Yeah it's my stupid tweet! Now delete the screenshot! No more proof of that tweet needs to exist!" I shout out at them as tears form in my eyes from being frustrated that they wouldn't just delete the picture.

"Hey just get rid of it please. I don't want to see my wife cry," Lucien says as she pats my back in her weird rare motherly/big sister moments. Chanyeol sighs and deletes the picture despite Kai trying to stop him. "Idiots." I look over to see D.O as he walks over. "You should've deleted it in the first place. I thought you guys liked her," D.O says as he smirks.
I let go of Lucien and look away from D.O as I quickly wipe away the unfallen tears. I look at Lucien to change the subject. "What's the news you have for us?" I ask her as Chanyeol hands Kai back his phone.

"We're having more members of the cast since the show's a hit. Even better the cast members I had plan to join us have agreed to it!" Calming herself down she takes a deep breath suddenly blank of emotion she stares at all of us. "Of course some of them plan not to stay for long but still more to go on about." As if remembering something her eyes seem to brighten some. "Also once this next episode is out we can all go on break!"

"Until the next Season," Ren states.
Lucien nods then pulls her phone out. "Of course I'm going to be busy but still it'll be fun to get a break from the show for everyone. Oh yeah and everyone here's getting a free ticket and backstage passes to DiVerse I booked us." My eyes widen at Lucien telling the others they have free tickets and back stage passes to the DiVerse concert.

"Lucien! You can't just do that without telling me! Just because I'm no longer the leader of DiVerse doesn't mean you can just give away tickets and backstage passes to others without my knowledge! Technically I'm still apart of DiVerse until the concert is over." I try not to shout at her as I spoke.
"Especially since you and I are doing something special as a farwell gift to the fans," I grumble to her. I wouldn't admit it, but I'm actually self conscious about my rapping. That self conscious feeling doubles at the thought of other idols hearing me rap. I didn't rap much in DiVerse because they had me on vocals.

"Don't worry about it not like I bought you a ticket. Plus I'm singing too you know? Don't you think I'm overwhelm with anxiety and stress? I haven't dance in so long I probably dance like RM now," Lucien admits whispering that last sentence.

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