❤ S3 Ep2 ❤ - ❤ My Friend? ❤

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*Boys Republic appear in black attire oddly giving them a more serious vibe of dominance as they roam some unfortunate imbeciles lair. Shooting their targets one by one, they fall down like birds being shot from the sky. Leaving one alive the guy leads them to Taiyou oozing black blood from her wrists*

Minsu: Hye-Seong and the others will want to hear this

Suwoong: Call in the doc

Minsu: *Nods* Sure *Pulls phone out*

*Sungjun and Sunwoo help the unconscious Taiyou down then camera glitches over to them having her checked out in the infirmary as they speak with Miss Jang. They finally leave after a decent two hour conversation on the matter at hand*

Miss Jang: We'll need to find out how she arrived when the patients are awake until then I want her in the Chyrsallis

*Camera glitches to see all of Nu'est interrogating Taiyou who's tied to a chair. All around the room were runes and symbols of all sorts along with a white bottle*

Taiyou: He's not dead I just can't tell you where he is

*Jet, Chequered, and Marble walk in the room*

Jet: Why so?

Marble: Seahorses return to your dorms Jang has ask for us to take this one instead

Imoogi: Here *Tosses Marble the giant bottle* It's the only thing that works on her

Marble: *Places it down* Man that's heavy what the hell is for?

KM: Only thing that hurts her

*Nu'est walk out with Chequered and Marble as Empress Zen walks in with a box*

Jet: Lets get this off of you *Walks over to Taiyou and wipes the burning concoction off her face to which Taiyou's eyes widen at*

Zen: Can you tell us about Monarch?

Taiyou: The butterfly Eun summons?

Zen: No the Park Monarch

Taiyou: What do you want to know about her? She's not whole

Jet: We figured the angels scrambled her brain up some so we thought you could help us fix her

Taiyou: I'm useless I'm nothing but a knight following the orders of my ruler

Zen: We don't believe you

Taiyou: Who would? I-I have the spine of a worm. I'm a complete failure to my brothers and sisters. Why do you think they abandoned me?

Zen: What can you tell us about Danuja?

Taiyou: The blood of Dal and my own is one with him

Jet: But what exactly does that mean?

Taiyou: We're one with him *Mutters as if chanting as her eyes turn completely black while black ooze seem to stream down her face then tilts her head to the side as if an inner demon were overcoming her* Dal and I were hungry so we ate Dreamcatchers they were just so yummy especially the leader she put up a great fight

Jet: And what about Danuja? What happen to him?

Taiyou: He makes our blood pump so we took him there to part from the rest we placed him in a machine like that Chysallis Monarch remembered about

Zen: Where is he?

Taiyou: I don't know Myung took him away from us

Zen: And by us you mean the angels?

Taiyou: *Shakes her head no confusing them* The angels have all died all that's left is vengeance, emptiness, and regret

Jet: I assume your Regret?

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