Chapter 41- Genie Press

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Lucien POV
"Lucien can you tell us more about your latest stage performance with Miruna? On where you practically confessed to her shamelessly in front of the audience?"

"I love your show!"
"Can I have your autograph?"
"How long have you loved Miruna?"
"Why wait so long to tell her?"
"Has she spoken to you since that day?"
"Do you plan to partake in another any time soon?"
"What do you think of your new role in the horror films to come?"

Waving to the press and fans I make my way on stage then point a finger to my lips to shush them all. Slowly they do. "Now," I look around. "For any burning questions I'd like to say I'll answer as many as you'd like. Starting with you."

"I'm a huge fan of Sx2 and was wondering if you'll continue to pursue your music."

"Yes I will," I answer causing a good batch of them to cheer. "Anything else?"

"Will you record one of your dance performances for us to see?"

"Do you have any song preferences?" I question then take chug of my bottled water.
"Two songs by Hyuna," She says shamelessly causing me to nearly choke on my drink. "Number one being Roll Deep and the second being Lip & Hip."

"Any more songs?" I question to see more than I'd like to raise their hands.
"Yes? Group in pairs and write down one song you'd all like for me to perform." I instruct as each group in pairs while press stay not caring for it. Putting each paper in a box Shikari hands it to me.

"Can you sing Artificial love by EXO?"

"Uh ige naneum sarangieotda mideo
Hyeonsiljeogiji anhdeon neojiman
Deo kkeullyeo
Iyu eopsi beonjyeo gasseo
Neoreul galmanghan nae mokmareum," I sing a clip of it to them ending with a wink. The fan sits down covering her red face.

"There's this test that tells you what BTS solo song you are. Will you take it?"

"Sure what is it?" I ask allowing her to show me then take the test. My result was Butterfly. The fan reads surprise as I press a finger to my lips she nods in understanding then walks back to her seat. After several more questions answered the popparatsi angrily cut in impatient because of my persistence in ignoring them.
"Do you Lucien Cavallero love Miruna Phan?" They question.

"Yeah I mean she's my best friend," I shrug then wait for another one of them to question. Of course only my fans know never to question about my love life.
"Who are the two young girls playing as Eun and Jin to you?" The press member questions.
"They're my adopted daughters," I answer then warn them," Two questions down one more for you press news media."

"How did you stumble upon them?" Another asks.
"My parents gave me custody," I answer then block them out as I point over at the crowd.
"How often do you see your sisters or uh daughters?" The fan questions.
"Now that the show's over I get to see them as often as I want," I admit with a smile as I think about my girls.
"Do you spoil them?" another ponders off.

"Yeah but not to much," I wiggle a finger at them. "Their still not allowed to have phones and are homeschooled. I make sure they don't watch the news and avert their eyes from the fashion and drama in the world."
"Mama bear," one of them jokes.
"Do you plan to let them attend public school anytime soon?" Another asks.

"If that is what they want until then they like online classes," I answer.
"There are rumors spreading about you in a love conflict between Miruna and a member of EXO. I know this may be a dumb question to ask but do you approve on what they're saying about you?" She debriefs.
"No I don't approve of it because I don't love anyone but my daughters, my friends, and my fans," I state though a voice in the back of my skull said otherwise.


3rd POV

"This is so embarrassing," Lucien whispers as she turns her vlog on for the day. "Hey there viewers Lucien here. I decided that instead of doing a dance to Hyuna's songs I'll be performing with Shakira instead." Removing her jacket she reveals herself to be in a black top and a pair of green slightly loose pants.
"You ready?" Shakira questions with a smile as she walks in.

"Yeah just a little nervous," Lucien admits. With lots of help from her Lucien manages to get the dance down.

"Okay now comes the real performance," Shakira says.
"Right," Lucien nods putting space between herself and Shakira.

"That's a lot of eyes," Lucien says as her vlog with Shakira triples in viewers.

"Hey Lucien their about to do one last film tape!" Shikari shouts then knocks on the door.

"Be there!" Said person shouts back putting her phones away.
"Thanks again for convincing them into adding me to the film," Au/Ra says as Lucien walks out with her.
"I love your music and videos personally I'm glad they accepted my offer of having it based on them," Lucien smiles.

Done filming for the day Lucien goes out to lunch with her little girls and introduces them to Au/Ra. Reina being a fan of Au/Ra's music asks for her autograph.


"Look at all these new fans," Shikari gasps shock as he sees the movie's sold out and since they finished earlier than expected they got to keep a film of it for theirselves. Throughout the entire movie Shikari would cling onto Ryoma in fear while Ryoma had a face with a mixture of both awe and fear. Reina was fascinated while So-Ra had a nervous smile.

"We should definitely invite the rest of the cast members to watch this," Shikari smiles as the movie ends.
"Yeah," Reina nods as both she and So-Ra's face seem to perk up at the idea.

"You don't think they'll be busy with other things do you Luz?" So-ra questions looking over at Lucien with puppy dog eyes.

"No," Lucien says blankly.
"Pretty please I want to see big sister Miruna again," Reina begs.
"I wanna meet DiVerse," So-Ra whines.

Sighing in defeat Lucien averts their gaze. "Do you want the entire cast or to have an all girls night?"

"Yay!" Reina cheers in unison with So-Ra.

"Don't cheer just yet I still have to plan a day," Lucien cuts in.


"Is this one of the managers of Lucien Cavallero?" Someone questions as Ryoma places the phone on speaker.
"This is her only manager," Ryoma corrects.

"We were wondering if you'd allow for her to play as lead role in our thriller film," The person states.
"What is this film called and what's the plot of the film?" Ryoma questions.


"Today's special guests are Lucien Cavallero's sisters and Lucien herself who has decided to partake in a wrestling match against The Man also known as Becky Lynch. Tell us Lucien why The Man?" Dean Ambrose questions.

"My sisters. They love this show and look up to both Becky Lynch and you Dean Ambrose. I would lie if I didn't say I admire both Becky and you as well. Besides that you were the first person to ever ask to interview my sisters," Lucien admits as both So-Ra and Reina sit failing to hold back their inner fangirls.

"Really?" Dean questions shock then squats down to the little girls. "Tell us what are your names?"
"So-Ra and this is Reina," So-Ra answers with a smile.
"And how old are you two?" Dean questions as he pulls a pizza box out offering each a slice only for Reina to take a slice.
"I'm eleven," So-Ra answers.

"And I'm ten," Reina says then takes a bite out of her pizza slice. As the interview continues Lucien smiles seeing her little girls happy to speak with him.

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