Chapter 20- X4 Lets Take Boy's Day

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"What do you call a potato on life support?" Lucien questions Jin.
"Respitator," he replies then ask "What did the judge order at the restaurant?"

"Just ice," Lucien answers. "Why did the pencil go to the dance?"

"To take the lead."

"What are they doing?" Wonpil questions as the rest of Day6 watch Jae record everything. Jimin and Miruna are genuinely laughing at their jokes with V and RM keeping tally all while Leo's smiling proudly of his 'daughter'.

"Competition of dad jokes," Ken explains.

"Welcome to the final match of dad jokes. So far in third place is Miruna, in forth is Jin, and in last is RM," Jae reports moving the camera over to the last two for his streamers.

"How does a penguin build it's house?" Jin asks.
"How?" Lucien questions raising a brow.
"Igloos it together," Jin and Lucien answer in unison.
"What did the grape do when he got stepped on?" Lucien asks.
"Let out a little wine," they say once again in unison.

After five more rounds the game ends in a tie making Miruna second place victor. "Miruna. Lucien it's time to go," Ryoma chirps.
"Oh where are you heading?" N questions.
"Spoilers~" Lucien hops out of her seat. "Lets go then Ryoma!"

"You can all come if you're all really so curious," Ryoma states.
"Sure we have nothing to do," Hyuk shrugs. An hour later they all manage to sneak in backstage for a certain performance.

"Show time get ready everyone!" Shikari shouts as Nu'est rush to their places. Unknowningly Ryoma has VIXX, Day6, and BTS sit on the front rows while Sx2 dress up.

Seeing them on the front row Nu'est continue their performance careless to what the others think. Midway through the performance the music stops then as it returns two performers appear. Gasping in shock the audience watch as Nu'est continue their performance while the other two performers nod over to Ryoma who nods back with a knowing look while Shikari smiles giddy.

"Who is that?"
"It's Sx2!"
"You can tell from Miruna being there."
"That means the one dressed as a guy is Lucien!"
"I can't believe Lucien's back!"
"Don't you mean Sx2?"
"Oh yeah!"

Performing alongside them Sx2 manage to place theirself at the center of the stage.

"Sugar sweet that's not me no," Lucien quickens then shakes her head over to the audience with an expression that practically said don't try me yet do. "I won't let you take me in no ooooohh," she slows down with a tilt of her head she sings her warning, "See I'm just as wild as they come."
"Try to tame me and your done," Miruna picks up snapping her fingers.

"Because," Lucien continues, "We're not here to let you feel safe."
"No oh. We're not here to prove that we care uh oh," they say in unison.
"I just want to let you knnooooww~" Lucien sings drawing a finger out to Ren taunting him then with a wink turns back to the crowd. "That I'm fighting for that cherry on top. Get in my way and you're done."

"Yo, don't try to get in my way as we play the game. You know I'm too bittersweet for your little symphony. Trying to take me down up off the top, but that'll end you right in the rocks. I know I come off soft and sweet, but that isn't all I can be. I'm sour as many may know and by the end of the show, you'll definitely know.
So stay in your lane as I head to first place. Sour yet sweet. I killed the beat. We won, your done. Don't complain cause you lost the fight. We won before the first spark could ignite!" Miruna spits out quickly, like the rapper she is.

"At a lost on what to say? You calling this a dumb game? Help me understand!" Lucien points to the side of her skull. "Just how are you my match when there's nothing for you to win? This isn't a competition and you certainly don't need my permission.
Do what you want. Stab me with your sour words! Stare me down with that bitter gaze! Still can't tip me over?
Guess you didn't figure out, your not gonna win no not this way.
Your finish your done adios begone," Lucien taunts her rap surprisingly more gentle than Miruna's piece.

"Don't mistake my pause for failure. Just because I take breath doesn't mean I'm gonna go. Don't let that small size of yours make you believe you're scary. You're like the little cupcake that didn't make the cut. You salty who wants to be sweet, but you won't be able to compete.
I'm sweeter than sweet, sour than so. I guess you don't see it yet my dear, but let me make it crystal clear. I'm the queen of the rap, soon you'll need a map to get out of your little gap. I make living on killing the competition. You're nothing more than a pebble in a sea of stones.
You're nothing special. I've won, you already know. As I take my trophy you can go home. Stuff your mouth with sweets, maybe it'll balance out the salt that lies underneath." Miruna raps out, not intentionally meaning to be harsh, but she just gets really into it. "Do you finally admit defeat?" She says as she sassily places her hands on her hips.

"Whoever said I was special? Should it matter if I'm not?" Lucien starts with then points a finger to her skull as she looks directly at Miruna. "Letting their words get to your head like a virus being spread. I don't mean to alarm you but I always let you win.
Your the one that wants to compete which I find kind of neat because baby girl your words are just so sweet.
I don't try to be what I'm not. Want to see me try? Then why come after me quite saltily? You've gone a little rusty.
A little off the edge, claiming to be sweeter than sweet just what about you is supposed to be sour or sweet?" Lucien sighs and with a smile continues," Your words your words they hit me like the sunrays on a sunny day trying to melt me away but you can't because I'm not an icy delight. Don't mean to cause fright but your melting away. Trying to hide behind a crown of words? You call yourself the queen of rap? More like the queen of sap!
Trying to bring down someone like me? The bittersea and you the Queen? Don't claim to be what you aren't! Your to sweet to be bitter and I'm to bitter to be sweet so stop pretending.
Baby I'm the salty sea!
I'll hit you with a tsunami of phrases and send you scattering to places! Look at all those familiar faces!" Lucien points over to the crowd. "You may be the sun and I may turn into steam but I'm still there just like you. Equivalent to the moon. You don't comprehend that I always let you win and here again I'm going to say it.
You lost I won. We're the cookie yet to crumble. Bada bing bada boom," Lucien ends with a smile then laughs lightly over to the crowd.

"Alright. I admit defeat, but you know we make each other complete. Salty and sweet is the best kind of beat. No one can stop us when we work together, no matter the weather. We compliment each other. Where one may fall the other will rise and we'll both take home that prize. No one can stop us, we're undefeatable. No point in trying, it's inconceivable. So let's stop this fighting and this whining. We make a great team so let's give it our all. Our stream keeps us going as we stand tall. I may have lost, though is it that great of a cost?" Miruna smiles at Lucien as she finishes the rap. "I know that was sweet, but what do you expect. I'm sweet to the bone, but that's already known." She raps out before doing aegyo.

"Let's call it a draw Amai," Lucien says to which Miruna nods in agreement. "Care to dance with me?" Miruna agrees to dance with Lucien. By the end of the performance the two couldn't help but laugh as the crowd awe at their 'moment'.

After their 'moment' Miruna looks at the crowd. "I have to admit something to all of my fans and everyone who wants to know. I'm going to explain the dating rumors about me. I am in fact dating a member of EXO. Before everyone jumps to conclusions, I was not dating him before the rumors.
I did after the fact. Yes, I'm dating Do Kyungsoo of EXO. Please respect our privacy and do not bring hate towards any of us. I know this will cause a lot of things to happen to us, but I will not let anything tear us apart." She admits to the crowd.
She knows she should've talk to someone before doing this, but she felt like following her heart which she does all the time.

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