Chapter 32- Rumors

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3rd POV

"She hasn't left her room since the last show she was watching with our Alien," RM states.
"Did you make her angry?" Jimin questions.
V shakes his head then answers,"No I just hugged her then she said one of our songs gave her inspiration for the next series and went right to her room."
"Guess she's working on another script then," Amber pouts crossing her arms.

"Hey guys do you know where Miruna and Lucien are?" Ryoma questions.
"Lucien's in her trailer and Miruna's fangirling over Rami Malek with D.O talking to him," Suga answers.
"Thanks," Ryoma walks over to the said trailer nearby and knocks on it.
"Ja?" Lucien's voices come out softly.
"Your children are here," Ryoma states.

The door is slammed open as Lucien walks down she misses a step and falls to the ground entangled in a blue blanket. Looking like a caterpillar.
"Lucien!" Ryoma runs over to her.
"Mm fhhn," she groans then sits up and stands as if it were an everyday thing. "The medical kit is near the couch across from the window."

Ryoma nods and runs in while the others question her well being. "I said I'll be fine nothing I can't handle," Lucien says assuring them then crosses her arms as Ryoma walks out with the kit and opens it. To shaky to hold a single thing Ryoma gives up and hands the kit over to Lucien who calmly cleans herself up. "Now where are my little gummy bears?" Lucien chirps carelessly throwing the medical kit on her couch then locks the trailer following Ryoma.
"With SF9 talking about Pokemon while watching Pokemon," Ryoma answers directing her to said people.

With a nod Lucien sees her two sisters fast asleep. Reina's head resting on Hwiyoung's lap while Jaeyoon was basically So-Ra's cuddle bear.

"Should w-"

Lucien shakes her head. "Shikari and Ryoma can take them home they're obviously really tired," She answers then with a heavy sigh walks back to her trailer gloomy. As she unlock the trailer she slowly begins to clean up her trailer then drop face first on her bed. Groaning loudly her shouts are muffled by her pillow then as if it never happened she jumps up from her bed deciding on what to do next. "Guess could look through a few webs," She says outloud to herself then pulls out her laptop from under her bed. "Couldn't hurt to finally get an understanding on why people think of terrible questions for Sx2 to answer."

Lucien POV

On the laptop several negative and plain out idiotic subjects appear about Miruna.

One of the most popular theories on to why Sx2 disbanded in the first place would be Miruna. Many suspect that Miruna was using Lucien to become a success from her role as a member of Sx2 to Leader of DiVerse only to disband from them to partake in Lucien's success of a show known as Shredded Wings.


The glorious icon Miruna known in her latest role Hye-Seong in the show Shredded Wings has been claim to be a master manipulator with no remorse for those she tramples over using her sweet facade to conquer her way to her one true goal as the one true idol. Here's the proof


Famous idol Miruna leaves her former group DiVerse to try out a new facade of character known as Hye-Seong an alpha of her own pack that seem to grow. The sudden role given to this amateur shocked viewers and fans of not only DiVerse but the media itself. The biggest surprise of it all is one in charge of the show Shredded Wings is the scriptwriter and childhood friend Lucien once in a duo with Miruna, but after years of unanswered questions Lucien announced that Sx2 has return. That's correct Lucien and Miruna are together once more. Though some were quite happy to hear the two have return some see pass this curtain to show you all how Miruna really is a manipulative socio who only cares about herself.


Scary to see Sx2 back when the two were gone for many years and what's even more surprising is the sudden break up of it and return.


With Miruna dating D.O leader of EXO and Lucien dating Ren from Nu'est many question when exactly did Sx2 'divorce'? And is Ren returning anytime soon in the show? With the schedules and tours Nu'est show no true sign of returning soon so what does that mean for Luren? Will Miruien come back?

Scrolling through comments I stumble upon rather idiotic ones.

Why has Lucien gotten so soft?

Miruna broke her mentally that's just what Miruna does. Pretending to be your friend then break you and now look at her. Does that really look like she's happy?

Why was Lucien crying on stage?

Lucien was crying because of Miruna. If you look closer you can tell five seconds after Nu'est and Miruna join BTS on the dance competition she was hurt

But Lucien assumed something like this would occur which is why she brought in a few friends. Though you can tell she was really upset that Miruna sided against her instead of with her

Sour failure conquers to show you not to mess with this spicy bear


Rolling my eyes I finally decide to shut my laptop off for the day and let it charge in peace while I get all clean up for the day ahead.

I'll need to speak with Miruna about this she no doubtedly wanted to keep this away from me but being the curious bean I was and with the media continuing to bring up rumors I have never heard of this would've continue to pester me if I hadn't heard them in the first place. The source of these rumors will go down.

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