Chapter 35- Never Do It Again

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3rd POV

"Where is everybody?" Lucien questions looking around.
"Lucien everyone left early. Ryoma sent a message to everyone about rehearsals being cut short for the day," Shikari states as he finishes packing up equipment with Sue's assistance.

"Oh so I can visit So-Ra and Reina," Lucien smiles at the thought.
"Actually their studying for exams right now so you can't bother them," Shikari states.

"Then I'll just go to my room," Lucien says checking her pockets for her keys. "Ah there they are." Pulling out her keys she walks over to her car. Just as she puts the key in it someone dressed in all black comes in from behind her. With that mistake made she flips the person over and with a twist of their arm the stranger lets out a scream.

"Work on your stealth and breathing," She instructs the person then releases them of her clutches. "Luckily I'm not a cop or else I'd have you in cuffs sasaeng fan."

"You're so beautiful," the crazed fan awes at Lucien who helps them up.
"I'd say the same but you look ugly when you become obsess over a person so take this as a lesson," Lucien then looks down at them. "Clean your act up and I'll take you on a date."

"You're so calm about this why?" The person questions.
"I've dealt with worse company," Lucien shrugs as she decides to walk instead of take her car confusing the stalker as she tucks her keys away. "What's your name?"
"Si Woo," he answers quickly averting her gaze as she checks his arm.
"Dislocated?" Lucien frowns as he winces in pain. "This may hurt a lot." She warns then pops the bone back in place.

"No scream? That's good," she comments then stands up.
"It means Start Divine," he says eagerly as he joins her.
"I know," Lucien says shortly after tucking her hands in her pocket. "So do you want to go to a cafe or mall?"
"Cafe I don't like being surrounded by so many people," Si states then recalls. "Just like you."

"Careful," Lucien sighs pulling Si close. Nearly an inch away a car drives by. "You should really be more aware of your surroundings Si Woo."
"Sorry," He whispers under his breathe as he looks down at his hand linked to her own. "Your hands are a lot softer than I imagined."

Quiet on their trek to the cafe Woo continues to think of their hands intertwined like a movie on replay over and over again as Lucien orders two drinks and two blueberry muffins. "So what exactly do you like ...... About me?" Lucien questions.
"How you can easily become honest to a completely skilled liar. Your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your combat experience, how you can be so caring yet merciless, how hardworking you are, how people make the mistake of doubting your skills," Woo continues to list off.

"What you find fascinating towards me isn't really what I find to be a good thing," Lucien admits looking out the window. "I don't feel sorry for your dislocated arm and I don't care if you have an obsession over me because you're just human. Mentally unstable yes but you're still human and I want to help you."

"I don't care if you dislocated my arm I know you meant well to defend yourself from me but you don't have to," Woo insists.
"And why is that?" Lucien sighs.

"Because I'm your friend," Woo blurts out in a duh tone making Lucien shake her head and smile small.
"You're not my friend. I only know your name and nothing else. I don't even know how you look like underneath that mask you're wearing," Lucien states.
"I don't like showing my face," Woo replies.

"Well I don't like that you tried to kidnap me Woo but I'm still here with you at a cafe," Lucien points out. "Besides why hide your face from me? Are you insecure about your looks or something?"

"I know you don't judge people by looks but ..... I really don't like showing my face," He answers looking away as the waitress hands them their order.

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