Chapter 25- I'm Fine

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Lucien POV
"Can we go?" So-ra questions pointing to a poster of Mardi Gras.
"Have you asked Reina?" I question her with a raised brow. Shaking her head no she runs over to Reina. Pulling my phone out I see a missed call from Ren and call back.

"Hey Luz."
"Hey how's rehearsals going for you?"
"Great just ....."

"Well?" I ask crossing the leg over the other I sit up on my sofa in my living room.
"We should break up," He answers.
"Oh ..... Well we're still friends right?" I question unsure on what to say.
"Yeah of course I'm not going to meet another Lady Gaga fan like you," he states in a duh tone.
Rolling my eyes I reply back, "Look in the mirror."

Laughing over the phone I sigh internally. Not surprising our schedules have been a bit hectic. I am sad about our break up but I'll deal.

"Guess what?"

"What?" He questions.
"So-ra and Reina are going to Mardi Gras today," I answer. "I would've ask you to come but seeing as you're so busy in a different country I doubt you have the time."
"Sorry," he apologizes.
"It's fine welp say hi to the others for me," I say about to hang up only for him to speak up.

"I really am sorry Lu-"

"Don't apologize our lives are just to busy for a relationship," I cut him off then hang up. Tossing my phone to the side I walk directly into the restroom then look myself directly in the mirror and turn the faucet on. Before I know it my back's facing the bathroom door while I lay on the ground. After what felt like five minutes pass someone knocks on the door.


What was I doing?

Glancing in the mirror I wipe the apparent tears away and toss my jacket on. When I took if off who cares?

"Be there in a sec!" I shout quickly turning the faucet off. Unlocking the bathroom door I see both So-ra and Reina on the sofa. Reina facing straight ahead slightly nervous and surprise. I normally have Ryoma and Shikari take care of them while I work but recently since the show's on break we have more free time then ever.

"Have your hearing aids?" I ask So-ra to which she nods.
"Your keys?" Reina questions to which I pat down my pockets finding it in my left jacket pocket.


"Wallet?" So-ra questions as I pull out my wallet in right pocket.


"Your missing something," So-ra hums.


"Your phone," Reina casually replies with said phone in her right hand while her left hand is held in So-ra's right hand.
"Ah thank you," I smile as she holds it out. Taking it from her hand I tuck it away then stand to open the door for the two. Now out they stand by the car as I lock the front door then walk over to the car door unlocking it for us.

Both in the back seat I make sure they've their seatbelts buckle then kiss the top of both their heads and shut the door. On our drive we each take turns playing music of our choice. Reina of course mostly chose HIGH4 songs while So-ra chose one of Sx2's original songs Salty Twist.

The music video for Salty Twist was supposed to symbolize how 'I' as a child used to be a sweet tart then grew up to be the salty pretzel I am all because of society testing us and in which I gave in only for them to regret what they turned me into. It's the only music video where So-ra and Reina aired in with me. They played as younger me's in the video. In fact it's the only video I did with them. Of course they were disguised and with some special effects unrecognizable.

"Hey Luz can we get some?" So-ra points to a mask.
"Sure," I answer with a nod as I carry Reina piggy back style. She's eating beignets or what I would know as fritters. I never mentioned this but we're in New Orleans a place of Reina's choosing to make up for lost time.

Mardi gras week is the best here and that's exactly what this week is. Reina has on about four brightly colored beads around her neck while So-ra wore hers as bracelets. Picking our masks So-ra chooses a multicolored feather one for me.

(⬇⬇⬇⬇ Lucien's mask ⬇⬇⬇⬇)

(⬇⬇⬇⬇ Lucien's mask ⬇⬇⬇⬇)

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(⬆⬆⬆⬆ So-ra's mask ⬆⬆⬆⬆)

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(⬆⬆⬆⬆ So-ra's mask ⬆⬆⬆⬆)

(⬆⬆⬆⬆ Reina's mask ⬆⬆⬆⬆)

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(⬆⬆⬆⬆ Reina's mask ⬆⬆⬆⬆)

"We should invite Miruna next time," Reina smiles yawning as the night begins to engulf the light.
"Yeah," So-ra replies just as sleepily while I buckle them both in.
"We'll get to visit her parents," I chirp making the two smile then after saying yay in unison fall asleep. Quiet as to not to disturb them I drive us home.

Once finally home I wake the two up. Unbuckling theirselves the two hop out of the car careful not to fall. Locking the car I unlock the front door to our home. Now all clean up from today's event I put the remainders of our food away. With a quick inspection I ensure all doors and windows are shut and locked up for the night.

Not in the mood to sleep I lay on the sofa with a blanket drape around me while posting pictures of today's events. The first being a picture of all three of us with our masks on, the second being on the food we ate while the third is of sno bliz. I chose a tart flavor limeade while So-ra chose the special flavor cream of blueberry and Reina chose the plain flavor root beer. Five seconds later of posting it throughout my social media I click back on it to see many liked the pictures.

The one and only comment being from Miruna.

You should come and visit us

My comment back.

Will do

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