❤S 3 Ep 8 ❤ - ❤ Wilt ❤

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*Hye-Seong is shown speaking with Red Velvet and teachers then glitches to (Kid) Jin drawing then flashes over to (Kid) Jin, SF9, and Taiyou place in a room full of ancient runes with Raphael closing the door for their protection then to Hye-Seong criss cross as as if meditating*

Hye-Seong: *Concentrating*

Voice 1 (Male) : I wish for a cure *Sighs*

Voice 2: *Woman's voice* Please lay my brother to some ease

Voice 3: *Male's voice* May his fever go down

Voice 4: *Sounds like a child* Give me a sign that everything will be okay

(All Voices): Please

Hye-seong: *Gasps as she opens her eyes to see she's in front of a house. As she walks in she sees a man crying heavily as a lady rest in bed* Cry no more *Whispers to him as she rests a hand on the lady*

Lady: *Eyes open*

Man: *Looks back surprise and speaks gibberish as he stumbles over to her*

Hye-Seong: *Appears in front of a man breathing quite harshly as tubes support him*

*An obviously tired woman walks in*

Woman: I brought your favorites *Placing a box down* When you wake up we can eat them together like we used to

Hye-Seong: *Approaches the coma male and places a hand on his head while whispering in his ear* Live a good life with your sister *Removes her hand from his head*

*As if in the male's perspective everything seems blurry at first then sees a flicker of Hye-Seong only for it to vanish then zooms out to show him sit up. The sister calls in people then camera flashes over to Hye-Seong do the same process and glitches to her speaking softly to ease a little girl's crying*

Hye-Seong: *Hugs the girl and sings in a soothing voice* Stars shine bright~
Stars stay put~
But they'll never look the same
Just like people
We all change
No matter what
Just never give in to the pain
Just never give in to the pain
But it's okay to if you do
Just remember
Just stay true to you
Don't play their game
No oh~
Don't play their game
No oh~
You know better
Yeah you do
You know better
Then to play their game
Oh because your just like a star
Just like the Sun
You shine so bright
Don't forget that you shine so bright
Don't forgot that your the one in the spotlight
Their in the dark
Their in your shadow
Just so show them
How bright of a star you are
You are~
You are~

*The little girl falls asleep in Hye-Seong's arms. Hye-Seong gently places the little girl in bed and tucks her in. More voices continue to jumble in her mind all in need of help.
Teleports to Raphael who watches each of his brother gasp awake then look over at Hye-Seong. Camera glitches to EXO fighting off TWICE and Fanxyred who have black eyes then to Dal snapping Miss Jang's neck.*

Dal: *Throws the corpse and looks at BTS who walk in* Where's Taiyou?

*BTOB walk in*

Jimin: Safe from you

Dal: *Rolls eyes crossing arms* She's going to live

Mizu: Not as a part of you

Dal: But she is a part of me

Jimin: Don't let her near the others

*They nod and circle around her*

Dal: You know I've always hated being in the center *Pulls a staff out of her sleeve* The things you can learn from witches

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