Chapter 40- No More

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(The song above is one of the songs Sx2 sings)

Lucien POV
"You ready for the performance?" Shikari questions.
"Yeah," I hear Miruna say as she gets ready to walk on stage I fix up my outfit. Kind of cold in it but I can handle it.
"You haven't told her have you?" Ryoma questions.
"I plan to today," I state standing.

"What are you two talking about?" Shikari questions.
"Nothing important," I shrug off.
"And go!" He shouts as the music begins. Walking on stage the world begins to spin around me. Ignore it Lucien this is after all your last day with her.

With the duet over I snap my fingers signaling the lights to direct themselves over at Miruna who begins to sing her latest song. As she does I sit just out of the audience view. To distracted by the fans she doesn't notice the symbol behind her morph to that of DiVerse's symbol until her song's over. With the microphone close to my face I say," Shout out to DiVerse never forget the Diamonds that help bring you to where you are. For those of you who don't know it the Choco Pretz thought of the idea with me so here goes the next song we all chose."

With her microphone now turned off I begin to sing the next song on my ear piece as I walk back into the view of the audience and smile over at Miruna who looks at me confused.

The next song plays but this time my earpiece is also turn off. Holding my hand out to her I ask her for a dance of course this will be my last dance with her so I have to make it worth. Memories of us as kids begin to flicker in my head as we do.

~Flashback Time~
"Look she's back."
"I can't believe she beat up those cheerleaders."
"I heard she beat them up for hurting that fangirl who's always carrying sweets around."
"If you ask it serves them right they were all a little stuck up."
"And she didn't even get in trouble for it."
"Now that's the work of God."


Turning to face the principal the voices get louder as I try to block them out. I already deal enough at home I don't want to hear them.

"She's not going to get in trouble for missing days is she?"

The students in front of me shake their heads then scurry to class in no need to be suspended as the principal approaches me. I see him speak but to no avail points to my hands that were place over my ears as to say you need to hear this. "I need to speak with you in my office. You're not in any trouble," he assures me.

Walking with him we finally walk in his office to see the girl from before also there. "Although this casts a bad impression on my neglect as both a principal and father I'd still like to thank you for opening my eyes. My child was not as I thought her to be in so I want you to continue to do the right thing and report any bullies to me. This school will not tolerate no matter their heritage."
"May I leave now?" I question him with my usual blank expression though I did feel my heart skip a beat from being in the same room as that girl.

Sweet & Salty JourneyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant