Everybody's Watching Me

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Hearing stories about Si always made me laugh or smile. I liked to hear things about him from others, and let me say, Ms.Yu had a lot to say when she bursted into the room. I was thrown into a fit of giggles so much that my stomach began to hurt. Si scowled at me to stop making fun of him. Which I later did because I soon realized we had to get ready for school.

School was the last thing on my chaotic mind. I had so many other things to worry about, I felt tempted to not go to school. And it was because I knew everyone would be watching me. Staring at me like a shattered rich girl. Going to school was going to a challenge.

I stared at my reflection looking over my simple outfit that was a pair of skinny jeans with a black crop top and leather jacket. I couldn't bother doing much to my outfit, only adding high heel ankle boots to it since I just didn't have the energy to try. With me going to school itself was already a lot of energy. I wasn't sure if I was ready to step out yet.

"Hey" a voice said snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned around seeing Si in fashionable outfit knowing he was all ready for school.

"You ready?" He questioned closing the door behind him.

I shook my head looking away,"No, no I'm not. But I have to go. It's the only way I can make it through this."

Si frowned, I could see the sadness wash over his face as I said that. I know he wanted to comfort me but I couldn't afford that. If I did then I'd break down.

I grabbed my phone from the bed gesturing to door,"Lets go."

This isn't what I want. Having everyone's eyes on me once I stepped foot on campus. The feeling I felt was something I couldn't explain. I could only feel my stomach begin to twist that I wanted to stop walking, and I wanted to turn back to Si's car. To stop the nausea consuming me from all the states that began to make my chest heavy in pain, and hands shake in fear.

I regretted leaving him as soon as I stepped foot out of his car, but I needed to get my stuff. He told me that students had token it to the principles office.

I made my way through the campus hurrying my pace to ignore the whispers circling me with their judgment. Luckily the walk only lasted me ten minutes because of how past I walked.

I knocked on the door, entering the office and bowing to the staff. Some of their lazy brown eyes, widened while others that were furiously typing paper work froze their fingers. The only thing they all had in common was their heads turned towards my direction.

With this I couldn't even manage to nervously smile. I could only close the door behind me and hurried to the principles office. I didn't bother knocking since I was desperate to get their eyes off of me. I rushed in instantly seeing no principle inside. But I saw my belongings at the side of his desk.

Well, this got a lot easier. I went to his desk and grabbed my phone and backpack. As I began to walk back to the door I stopped midway. Did I really want to go back out? Have their stares on me again?

I nervously bit my lip debating if I should just stay in here but I shook my head and left the office as fast as I could.


Going to class was hard. Especially because today was the day we presented our outfits. When the teacher noticed that I was here he was surprised. But Haeun encouraged me to go up, I was happy that she didn't treat me any different as I forced myself to go up and present.

It was hard, seeing the pity in their eyes. I could see it in my teacher that he immediately announced my grade as an A. And shockingly I was the only one who got an A. It felt like a burden, like I everything I was getting was out of pity. Especially when the class ended I was surrounded by a bunch of my classmates trying to talk to me about my family. But I couldn't take it. I bolted out the room with my stuff shoved into my hand as soon as the bell rang.

I ran down the hallways hurrying to go outside away from everyone's eyes.

"Whoa, Whoa!" Someone grabbed me from the arm, I almost slipped turning to them but they wrapped their hands around my waist to balance me.

I looked up feeling hot tears threatening to spill as Si placed his hand on my cheek concerned,"What happened? Who did this to you?" He demanded.

I shook my head, forcing the tears down, refusing to cry in school,"I feel like..I can't breathe. I need to get out of here" My eyes darted around the hallways seeing a couple of the students filming us.

Oh no..

"Let me take you back then" he said but I shook my head again,"I need to be alone Si. I'm sorry" I said getting out of his arms and running down the hallways.

Coming to school was a bad idea, I should've stayed home, what was I thinking?

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