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Fallout did a really good job on that last chapter...

So good in fact, that I don't know how to continue.

I'll try my hardest to make this interesting.

Here goes nothing.


Mitch shot out of bed, his breathing rushed and his clothes soaked in sweat.

It was the same nightmare every night.

There were others in the dream, that Mitch had been avoiding.

Why? he thought.

Why would I avoid the other people? Were they dangerous?

He shook the thought from his head, thinking it childish to be afraid of a stupid nightmare.

Nightmares don't become reality, he reassures himself, that only happens in the movies.

He ran a shaky hand through his messy auburn hair and yawned.

"I'm being childish." he mumbled to himself.

Shaking any thoughts of the nightmare out of his head, Mitch threw on some comfortable clothes in exchange for his sweat soaked ones then walked down to get some breakfast.

He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet above the stove and fixed himself some cereal before joining Jerome, Jason and Ian at the table.

They ate in silence, staring off into space in thought.

Mitch eyed the box of cereal, contemplating wether he should take the last of it or not.

Before he could make up his mind Adam joined the team in the kitchen and grabbed the box.

Seeing that there was no more cereal to stay for, Mitch got up and took his bowl to the kitchen.

He placed it in the sink, not bothering to wash it out, and walked back up the stairs.

Exhaustion from a night of little sleep hit him as he reached the top of the stairs.

Maybe I should go take a nap. The fans will understand he thought as he walked into his room.

He crashed into his bed and threw the covers on top of himself before closing his eyes and falling asleep.


Mitch found himself in the same place he was in his nightmare.


The peaceful silence, the brightly glowing moon, and the trees welcomed him to this all too familiar world.

But something about it was off.

Maybe it was that there were no mobs in sight or that the moon's light set an eerie glow on the scene before him.

Mitch wasn't sure, but he knew something wasn't quite right.

He turned around slowly, facing the forest and his friends behind him, then turned to face forward again.

That's when he heard the screams.

He ran forward, seeing smoke rise over the tree line.

The screams got louder and the heat got more intense the farther he ran, but he didn't care.

He continued to push himself through the brush as the footsteps of his friends followed behind, some close, some far.

He came to a sudden halt as he broke out of the tree line, staring at the destruction ahead of him.

Fire engulfed a large city before him, inhabitants screaming and running from the flames.

Mitch could only stare at the people running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

His friends soon joined him one by one on the tree line, staring at the utter chaos that had broken out in front of them.

The sun makes it's way into the sky, casting a sickly yellow light on the world around the team as the flames around them died.

The team is greeted by a mass of creatures with black eyes and mutilated skin that hangs in shreds from their limbs.

They all come to a silent agreement and sprint back the way the team had come.

One by one they all disappear, gone as if they hadn't been there in the first place.


Mitch bolted up in his bed, his fresh clothes drenched in sweat.

He had the same dream again.

What does it mean? he wondered, trying to regulate his breathing.


There you go!

There is my first chapter for this story.

Sorry it might be a little repetitive.

I'll get the hang of this eventually.

I pass the pen to Fallout.

The chapters will get better I promise.

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