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*sniffs deeply*


I love the smell of fear and worry in the morning

Jk it's not the morning I slept late

But still

I ate cookies

then some more

let us begin, shall we?


"Then, just as we were finishing up..."

"He attacked us."


Adam's POV

My eyes wrenched open and I gasped in pain.

My knees gave out from under me and I fell to the ground, clutching my hands to my chest. Everything was blurry, and I could only make out the cool texture of the ground beneath me.

Clutching my hands to my head, I curled up under myself.


Why are me hands sticky?

Why are they warm?

A strangled scream escapes my mouth and I scramble up against a wall. My head spun as I panted heavily, my vision unable to focus on what was before me.

My hands are red.

Blood. My hands were f*cling dipped in blood.

Oh my god.

What the hell did I do.

My head shot up as a siren wailed around the corner, and I scrambled farther down the wall. I could see now that I was in an alley, in god knows where.

How the hell did I even get here?

What is this place?What did I do?

"Having fun, Adam?"

I jumped so violently that I hit my head against the wall. Cursing, I rubbed it and glared.

"What. Did. You. Do!" I screamed.

The other shrugged. "I acidentally hit your head a few times. Jeez, calm down a bit. It's probably only a minor concussion at the most."

As I stared at him, I realized that he was covered in blood. His hands were stained with it, and it was also splattered across the front of his t-shirt and jeans. Flecks of the stuff dotted his face, set off by his smile.

I felt my own hands start to tremble as I lifted one up to my face. I rubbed it, and could feel the blood there. I looked exactly like he did.

"No.. what did... what did you..." I whimpered. He shrugged. "I? More like you. Or we, I suppose. We are the same person, after all."

I shook my head wildly, then lifted my hands to show him the blood. "This is not me," I whispered hoarsly.

He took a step towards me, and I pressed back against the wall. "Keep denying it, Adam." He hissed my name with malice. "You put a mere dent in the plans. A dent, that's it. We will go back, and you will not stop me."

A knife appeared in his hand,and I groaned as he pinned me against the wall and dug it into my wrist.

"Master isn't here now, is he?" Shivering, I shook my head. "Oh, you sick, sick, creature. You think because he isn't here that you're safe, is that it?"

My face twitched slightly as the knife turned under my skin. "F*ck off," I growled.

"You even forgot your lessons. Don't talk back, don't be smart, remember the rules, little man." He laughed. I felt a wave of fear go through me at those words.

"Don't talk back, don't be smart. You don't remember the rules, little man. I suppose I'll just have to teach you again."

The others face was a sickly pale, but his grin was in place and his eyes glaring with hatred. I'm pretty sure my eyes were looking more terrified.

"You certainly don't like remembering, do you? It'll destroy you, just like it did before. It'll destroy us.Our mind shattered, insane, rolling and spinning in non-stopping hatred. Sound familiar?"

I choked on a laugh. "That sounds like you."

The knife moved up my arm. "It is me. All that hatred, all that darkness, all that insanity!" He barked. "That is us, Adam! That is us! All these thoughts running through my head are yours! I am you, shattered and alone! I am you when you realized there was nothing! I am you when the cause of your pain walked through that door, and you discovered hatred! You discovered pure, undiluted, roaring, hatred, You wanted your hands covered in his blood, and you couldn't even remember why! You idiot, I. AM. YOU!" He screamed.

I felt the knife yanked out of my arm and it slashed across my stomach. My head slammed against the wall, and I slumped over. The other knelt in front of me, steadying my face with his knife. A warm trickle down my cheek told me that he had dug in a little deep and drew blood. I whimpered slightly.

"Oh, yes. You;re getting there, aren't you? Understanding. You're terrifed of the blood, Adam. Yet you want it so bad. It's your own blood you fear. Your fear the pain, the agony, the weakness. Sky, you fear yourself." He sighed and gazed up at the night sky.

"You want to know what I did? I satisfied. Those people, they deserved it."

I nearly choked. "You killed people!"

He face twitched slightly. "No, I didn't. Remember? You still haven't learned you rlessons. I wanted to kill them. I wanted them to feel the pain that we did. But youuu, oh, pretty, happy, kind, caring, you wouldn't let me. You fought me the whole time. You managed to gain control and ran out here, into this alley. I didn't get to do a fraction of what I wanted to." He growled.

I cried out and shoved him off me. Shutting my eyes, I curled up against the wall. When no more pain came, I peeked them open. I was alone in the alley. Blood still was on my hands, but it seemed to be more than before. It was also still warm.

My blood.


Insanity Level: Loading...

Please Wait...

Please Wait...

Insanity Level: 100%

Join the darkside.

We have cookies.

I am slightly scared, as well.

But the cookies are good.

The PlagueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon