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Thanks for the cliff hangar Fallout.

I'll see what I can do with it...

Don't hate me for what I'm about to do.




Jason's POV

"What?" Ian asks.

I nod. "Jerome is in the same position as Adam and Mitch..."

"Something is definitely going on here." Quentin points out.

We all nod in agreement.

"Has anyone heard from Seto or Ryan lately?" Ty asks, a hint of concern in his voice.

My eyes widen. "I haven't heard from either of them in awhile... You don't think that."

Ian runs out of the room, only to return with his phone pressed to his ear.

"Hello? Ryan?"

"Hello Mrs. McNulty. This is Ian, Ryan's friend..."

"Okay thank you miss. Bye." he hangs up.

"Ryan's in the hospital. I'm about to call Seto." Ian says.

I curse under my breath.

"This is fantastic. It's only a certain amount of time before we fall under isn't it?" Ty mumbles.

"Hello is this Seto?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I mean Jimmy."

"Hi, my name is Ian, I'm Se- Jimmy's friend. I was wondering, where is he?"

"Oh I'm sorry, thanks for your time..."

"Bye." Ian hangs up and shakes his head.

"Both of them are in 'comas' at the hospital... What's going on?"

"I don't know... We should go see if they're in the same condition as Mitch, Jerome and Adam. After we take Jerome to the hospital that is."

Everyone nods in agreement and we start to get ready to go.

"Me and Quentin will grab Jerome. Jason can you drive?" Ian asks.

I nod. "Yeah, let me grab my keys and I'll be ready to go."

About ten minutes later me and Ty are inside Jerome's hospital room, staring at his sleeping form.

"He looks so... lifeless." Ty says.

I nod. "It feels so weird seeing someone who always smiles like this."

Ty nods. "Yeah... Should we go see Seto and Ryan with Ian and Quentin?"

"Yeah... let's go."

We walk out of the room and make our way over to Ryan's room since that's where Ian and Quentin are.

Doctors rush past us as we slowly make out way to Ryan's room.

"Where are they going?" Ty asks.

I shrug and look at the crowd of doctors as they rush into a room.

Gasping, I freeze in mid step and stare at the door.

Ty realizes I have stopped and shoots me a confused look.

"What is it Jason?"

"Ty... That's Adam's room..."

Ryan's POV (you thought I was going to do Adam's POV didn't you?)

"Ryan. Ryan wake up." A familiar voice whispers.

I groan and roll over to my side.

"Ryan wake up."

"Go away." I moan.

The voice sighs and something hits my cheek.

"Ow!" I exclaim, opening my eyes and sitting up.

"What was that for?" I growl.

"Get off your lazy butt Ryan. We're in the middle of an apocalypse." The voice says.

I turn around and come face to face with a hooded person.


"No it's Sherlock Holmes. Yes it's Seto now get your sorry butt up before the slow ones find us." He spits.

"Don't get your big girl pants in a twist Seto. I'm getting up." I joke, standing and brushing the leaves off my batman suit.

Wait, what?

I look down at my clothes and sure enough I'm in my minecraft skin.

"What the nether i-" I freeze.

"Yes you are in your minecraft skin and yes you just said nether, now c'mon we need to go. The slow ones will catch up soon and we don't want to be caught off guard."

"Who are the slow ones? where are we anyways?" I ask.

Seto facepalms. "Ryan, can we please just start moving? I'll explain everything later okay?"

"Sorry Soro. Lead the way."

He let's out a frustrated huff and pushes me up against a near by tree.

"First off, it's Seto. Second, don't make me angry."

He pushes himself away from me and starts to walk off.

"Too late for that." I mutter, following the frustrated sorcerer.


So there's the cliff hangar for you Fallout.

I thought about adding something, but since your a much better writer, I thought you'd be able to make it more interesting :)

So I pass you the pen and wish you good luck ;)

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