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C'mon fallout, let me have some fun with the pen!

I'm only here for a couple more days anyways! well... maybe.

Depends on if Good Bloxie manages to break free.

Anyway, I shall work wonders with the idea you gave me!

???'s POV

I pulled the sword out of the bacca's shoulder and laid him on the ground gently.

Lilac, or The Demon as I like to call her, was shouting in the other room.

Screams of pure agony resounded through the walls of the dungeon as I dragged the bacca into my cell.

I shut the door behind us, making sure it wouldn't lock, then went to work on his wounds.

Placing my hands on his shoulder, I muttered a couple words under my breath and yellow mist swirled around his opened skin.

Slowly, the wound started to close and mend itself back together until nothing but a scar was left.

He moaned and cracked an eye open.

"Where am I?" he muttered. "Who are you?"

I took my hands off his shoulder and helped him sit up.

"My name does not matter at the moment. Who came here with you? you said you had a healer yes?"

The bacca pushed himself away from me a little bit, probably out of distrust, then looked down at his shoulder.

"Did you heal me?"

"I asked you first."

He sighed. "Yes, I came with a healer. You healed my shoulder didn't you?"

I stood up and walked towards the cell door, opening it and turning back towards the bacca.

"You should probably go and find your friends. If Lilac returns we're both screwed."

The bacca stood and walked over to me. "Then why don't you come with me? we need all the help we can get as it is. Heck we could free everyone else in here."

"Master would kill us the second he found out we escaped... But that's better than what Lilac has put us through..." I trailed off, considering the consequences.

"Me and my friends won't let that happen. Promise."

I snorted. "A group of three can't stop the Master. Trust me, that's why the majority of us are in here."

The bacca opened his mouth to retort, but then closed it thoughtfully.

"What if I told you there are more than just us three?"

"Depends on how many."

"Well, let's just say we have a healer, two light sorcerers, and a group of p*ssed off humans or mutants that can't wait to kick 'the master's' @$$"

I chuckled. "That's one heck of a group you've got there. Well, I'm in. By any chance, was that little girl in white Quirren?"

"You saw her?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she's the reason why my cell's open."

The bacca muttered something under his breath then looked back at me.

"So you're in?"

I nodded again. "I'm sure everyone else around here would love to join you as well. Lilac put us through the nether in here."

The bacca tilted his head to the side and I sighed.

"Forgot to mention, Lilac was the girl who put that sword in your shoulder."

He nodded slowly in understanding. "Good to know. Oh, I'm Jerome by the way." He held his paw out for me to shake.

I smiled and took it. "I'm Marcus."



I love CapsLock...

As much as I love this pen *hides pen*


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