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Oh, the things I can do

(the things that totally haven't been thoroughly discussed and thought over already with bloxie)

Thanks for the pen. Let's see what'll happen, eh?


Mitch's POV

The rotten stench of slow ones was weighing heavily in the air, mixed with the foul grime of fresh blood. My sword was drenched in red, with pieces of torn flesh caught on the edge. Jerome was at my back, Frederick whirling around in a frantic attack and splattering us both with vile remains.

A hand curled around my arm, and I brought my elbow back to hear a satisfying crunch as its nose broke. Twirling my sword, I swung it around and buried it hilt deep into its stomach. Blood gurgled from its throat as it fell, but I had already removed my sword and swung it in a wide arc, beheading three at once. I gagged as a spurt of blood hit me right in the face.

"Jerome!" I screamed. His ax appeared an inch from my face, burying itself in the head of a slow one. He materialized next to me and yanked it out, kicking the thing away.

"Yeah?" he yelled back. We could barely head each other over the gruesome din of fighting. Groans from the undead, screams from the alive, and an barrage of explosions and cries of pain from the sorcerers.

"We need to get out of here, now!" I yelled as I stuck my sword into another stomach, screaming and twisting the handle. The blade snapped off, and it fell to the ground. I huffed and punched the next slow one in the face.

"We can't! The undead have us surrounded on all sides, and they're still coming in! If we're getting out, we need to take out the dark sorcerer first!" He gestured towards the mix of black and golden smoke at the head of the clearing. A violent bang went off, and I saw Quirren fly out of the cloud. She hit the ground standing and raced back into the roiling mass.

"Fine! Tell everyone to get to him, then!" Jerome nodded and leapt up, swinging, and pulled himself into the trees. I watched as he dropped down on the other side of the clearing until an arm roped around my neck and teeth brushed against my bare flesh. I grunted and kicked backwards, feeling the crack as my foot connected and I knocked out the undead's knee. Spinning myself around, I seized its head and yanked it violently to the right. It ripped off, and I chucked it to the side with a repulsed grunt.

"Dude! That is f*cking disgusting!" I turned as I grabbed another undead in a headlock. I yanked, and the head disconnected. Ty stared at it and made a gagging motion.

"My sword broke! A least it works!" I yelled back. Ty groaned and yanked his own sword out of one, then threw it to me. He knelt down and picked up one from a corpse, and brought it up in an attack as an undead stumbled into him. I fought my way to him, so we were standing back to back in a slicing masquerade.

"Is Adam okay? Where is? What about his friend?" I asked him. Ty shrugged.

"Haven't see him! We got separated!"

I groaned. "Okay, do we have any good news?"

To my surprise, he nodded as he decapitated two at once. "Yeah! We're winning! The undead are thinning out at the head of the clearing, and we already got a few injured running!"

I grunted and knocked a hand away from his face, killing its owner. "Fan-freaking-tastic! Now how do we get to the head of the clearing? We still need to kill the dark sorcerer."

Ty frowned before turning towards the way we needed to go and pushing his way trough the undead. Hacking and stabbing, he pushed them aside and forced his way through. I sighed and did the same, desperately batting away the snapping teeth and slicing off the bloody limbs.

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