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Okay, sooo many of you think that I should be locked up.

Thankyou to the one person who said to let me continue.

And thank you to Bloxie for letting me have more cookies. I would like some more, but perhaps I shall save some of them for my next chapter...


Ian's POV

"Ian, he's unconcious."

I glanced up to see Quentin standing in front of me. I slowly pulled out my earbuds.

God, I hadn't been able to take it. He had just kept screaming, and Ty refused to leave. So I had curled up in the chair, doing my best to block out his wails.

I cleared my throat. "Ty? Dude, we probably should let the doctors do their thing, you know. I'm sure we'll be able to see him again sometime later."

Ty shot me a weary, bloodshot look, before shaking his head. I sighed and pulled him away from Adam.

"C'mon, you're exhausted. We'll find somewhere to crash, 'kay? One of us can stay awake at a time in case something with Adam changes, alright? Besides, he's down for the count right now. When he wakes up we'll be back."

Ty finally agreed with a weak nod and allowed us to take him back to the quarintine room we had been in. Once back in there, Ty curld up on his sweatshirt and closed his eyes. I sighed and glanced at Quentin, who was eyeing his backpack.

"Go ahead. I'll wait up." I muttered, and he immediately flopped onto it and closed his eyes. I sat down against the wall and trained my eyes on the door, wishing so badly that it would open.

My eyes flickered open at an insistent pounding. Crap, did I fall asleep?

I scrambled up and slid open the door an inch, only to see the nurse from earlier standing there. She was holding a clipboard and looking cross.

"You didn't tell us," she snapped as soon as the door opened.

I frowned. "Wait, what? Sorry, what did we not tell you?"

She rolled her eyes. "About Mr. Dahlberg's mental disorder. It clearly states here hat you have to put anything of the sort-" I cut her off with a wave of my hand.

"Wait, sorry, mental disorder? Adam doesn't a mental disorder. might have had depression when he was younger, but aside from that no."

She raised her eyebrows. "Are you telling me he was mentally healthy before whatever happened did?"

I slowly nodded.

She sighed and glanced at my sleeping friends."Mr. Stapleton, perhaps you might want to come with me."

I jogged down the hall after her, realizing it was extremely late at night. The halls were mostly empty.

In the elevator, I was silent all the way down.

Mental disorder? Adam downs have a mental disorder, does he?

She led me back to where Adam's room was, but pushed me into a small room next to it.

There were two couches and a table with a laptop on it. A sinking feeling growing in my gut, I sank into one of the couches. She took the other one.

"Right so you witnessed Mr. Dahlburgs earlier behavior. He was hallucinating, and eventually fell unconscious from it. He appeared to suffer from nightmares all through whatever sleep he got." she paused and took a deep breath. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Mr. Dahlburg did eventually wake up, but he was extremely panicked. it appeared he was no longer hallucinating, but he also seemed to have no recollection of where he was or seeing you. he was suffering from extreme headaches, and was constantly talking to someone who wasn't there."

I swallowed thickly. "Do you have the audio?"

She nodded and tapped her computer. A moment later, Adam's voice floated through the speakers.

"I am not you!"


"Get out of my head, get out, get out, get out! Stay away from me!"

"No, no!"

"Please, please, he's going to come back! I have to get out of here! Please!"

"You hate him as much as I do! This is our only chance!"



Adam's petrified scream cut through the room and the audio shut off. I cursed quietly and rubbed my eyes. "What happened?" I asked hoarsly. "What happened? Why did he stop talking?"

She took a deep breath. "I mentioned your friend having a mental disorder, earlier."

"What's that about?" I mumbled.

"After that last cry, he appeared to completely lose control. We couldn't make out much of what he was screaming. He was thrashing about, and cut one of his wrists in doing so." Her eyes flickered down, refusing to meet mine.

"We had sedated to him, to avoid further harm. He woke up when we treating his wrist."

I had heard things about that disorder, mere whispers. I had never payed much attention to them.

"He appeared to be completely catonic while we treated to him. He was calm, so we figured he'd be fine for the time being."

Oh, no, Adam, no. Please. No.

"Then, just as were finishing up..."







*walks off into distance, staring at cookie*

Now, let' let all that insanity go, eh bloxe?

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