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Dang Fallout!

Look at how far we've gotten!

*takes pen and apology note*

Don't worry fallout.

My plans weren't ruined... (mainly because I didn't have any XD)

Anyways, let's start this chapter


Mitch's POV

Jerome, Jason and I ran down the long hallway that Seto pointed to, looking for any sign of Ryan or the strange man.

"Where exactly are we going biggums?" I asked.

Jerome paused and stuck his nose in the air.

"They're at the end of the hallway." he sniffed again. "Last door on the left."

We took off running again and knocked loudly on the door.

"Let us in, coward!" Jason barked, banging hard on the door.

Jerome pushed Jason and me lightly to the side, then rammed his shoulder into the door, making it fly across the room.

We ran inside as soon as the dust cleared and came face to face with the man, his glowing white eyes the only light in the room.

"Welcome. You're just in time to watch your friends suffer."

"Where's Quirren and Ryan?"

"And what are you doing to Seto?" Jason added.

The man chuckled. "Just relax. I'll tell you everything you need to know later."

"No, I want to know now!" Jerome snarled, his claws extended.

"Well aren't you impatient?" the man said, his voice sounded distant and quiet like there was a wall between us.

"Mitch, are you okay? you're leaning on me." Jerome asked, his voice as distant as the man's.

Before I could comprehend what was going on,the darkness around the room closes into my vision and the last thing I saw were the man's glowing, soulless eyes.


Seto's POV

The pain continued to increase far past being unbearable as Mitch, Jason and Jerome disappear into the dark hallway.

'Please get Quirren to safety.' I begged silently, black dots covering my vision.

I bit my lip to keep from screaming and squeezed my eyes shut before slipping into unconsciousness.


Sorry for the REALLY short chapter...

I honestly have no legit excuse for it...

I mean, saying I was busy isn't the WHOLE truth...

I couldn't write during third hour like normal and I have a vball game (to watch since I'm injured)

So don't kill me please.

You can take the cookies away from me if you want...

Anyways, here's the pen fallout.


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