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My turn to write again!

Good thing Quirren still has a parent.


Mitch's POV

"I think we can stop now guys." Quentin pants.

We all slowed to a stop in the middle of the forest and stared at each other.

"Do you think Ryan will be okay?" Connor asks, grabbing my pant leg.

I pat his shoulder and pull him closer to me. "Ryan can handle himself. Are you sure it's a good idea to stop? what if-"

"We're fine Mitch." Seto panted, cutting me off.

I held a hand up in defense, then let it fall to my side.

"So we wait here for Ryan?" Ty asks.

"Why wait for me when I'm right here?" Ryan asks, breaking out of the trees with the man.

I pulled Connor closer and glared at the man, not realizing his eyes.

Quirren hid behind Quentin's leg and stared at the man, fear evident in her eyes.

"Quirren?" the man whispers.

Quirren grabbed the back of Quentin's leg and whimpered.

"It's okay Quirren. He's back." Ryan said.

Quirren moved back out from behind Quentin's leg and looked at her father.


The man bent down as Quirren ran over to her and wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"Daddy!" she squealed happily.

The man mumbled something in her ear and kissed her forehead.

Then, he looked up at us.

"Thank you all for taking care of my daughter."

"Anything for this little angel." Jerome chuckled.

Quirren's father moved his daughter on to his shoulders and stood.

"So... we can go back now... right?" Jason asked.

Ryan shrugged. "I don't see why not. Plus I don't think we can find another place to make a base and build it before the sun sets again."

"To the base it is then." Ty said, walking back the way we had come.

The others shrugged and followed closely behind.

"C'mon Connor. Let's go." I said.

Connor smiled and ran ahead of me to the front of the group.

I walked behind the group and shoved my hands into my pockets.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Devin." Quirren's father said.




Take the pen fallout *tosses pen to you* I need to get my stuff together so I can write better chapters.

Anyway, the deadline for the Character contest is Sunday, just so you guys know.

And... yeah that's about it.

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