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Sorry you were so sick Fallout!

Glad you're feeling better.


Mitch's POV

"Do not trust me." Adam panted, then turned and ran back the way he had came.

"Adam wait!" Seto called, making as if to run after him.

Ian and Ryan quickly grabbed his wrists and pulled him back.

"You heard him, Seto, we can't trust him." Ian said.

"But we can help him!" Seto protested.

Quirren's grip on my head loosens and I put her on the ground, blocking out the argument a few blocks away.

"You okay little light?" I asked.

She shook her head slowly and shuddered. "N-no. C-Cold."

I pulled her into a right hug and stood up again, my attention moving back to the argument.

"We can't just abandon him!" Seto yelled angrily.

"Do you think we don't want to chase after him Seto? we all want the old Adam back, but there's no way we can get him back with our current circumstances. We will get him back. Just not right now." Ian said sternly.

Seto let out a frustrated huff before storming into the base.

I followed him inside, along with the rest of the team, and curled Quirren up in my bed.

"Go ahead and rest. I'll sleep on the floor." I whispered.

Quirren, being too exhausted to argue, nodded and wrapped the blankets around her small form, falling asleep almost instantly.

"Mitch we have an extra bed if you want it." Jason offers.

I take it and place it next to Quirren's, then plopped into it.

"Night guys." Quentin muttered as he laid down.

There were mutters of goodnight and then the base fell into silence, the team falling asleep.



I jolted awake at the sound and looked frantically around the base.

The torch's light was low, casting an eerie shadow on the walls.


The sound came again.

The door. Slow ones. Zombies. The door.

How'd they get here so fast?

I climbed out of bed and grabbed a sword, ready for a fight.

Walking slowly, I made my way to the door.




Inhaling sharply, I swung the door open only to get tackled by a fast moving object.

The door slammed shut, waking the whole team.

I struggled to get out from under the object, which I realized was a person, and pushed them to the side.

"Mitch what the nether?" Ryan groaned.

The person rolled on to his side and the whole room filled with gasps.

Quirren ran up to the small boy and wrapped him in a big hug.

"Connor?!" I gaped.



New character to torture... I mean play with!

Here, take the pen Fallout. I think I'm done with it.

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