
563 21 17

I want more cookies.

I am not feeling well.

I am taking it out on this story.

Forgive me.


Adam's POV

Oh, god, I was bleeding. I was bleeding. I was bleeding.

Blood poured from the wound in my side, staining the dark floor. I could feel it rushing through m body, feel it sticking to my skin as it escaped onto the floor.

I wasn't doing so much as breathing, more like panting, hyperventilating. I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to force the onslaught of memories away and take deep breaths.

Another lash fell across my back, splattering the walls and causing me to sag limply against the chains. A whimper escaped my mouth as my weight fell onto my shoulders and arms. stretching the mutilated skin.

I wrapped my hands in my shirt, hoping that if I couldn't see the blood, it would be okay.

His foot connected with my rib cage, forcing the air from my lungs and sending my sprawling across the room. Not a second later did it come down on my face, breaking my nose with a horrible crack. Blood spurted out, gushing and covering my face in a mess.

I could still feel it. Still feel it under my shirt and on my face. Feel it rubbing against my skin and itching away.

"I can feel inside your mind, you know. I can feel what I'm doing. So, so much to do, even with who you already are. Look at that life? Pitiful. I don't know why you even hold on."

I forced myself into a standing position and nearly staggered out of the alley, until I remembered what the other had done.

God, the police would be after me now. He had attacked and possibly killed several people. Groaning, I balanced against the wall for a moment before turning and heading back into the darkness.

As I walked, I wrapped my arm tightly in what had once been a hoodie. It had been ripped to shreds, so I simply tore off another piece and wrapped my arm in it.

I flinched as a wind gusted through the narrow area, and checked behind me. He could still come back, at any moment. He could come back and start torturing me with that knife again.

Ever so slowly, I managed to stumble deep enough into the alley that I wouldn't be seen unless you were right in front of me. I settled myself down and pulled several boxes in front of me.

Now, to figure out what the hell is going on.

This was a hallucination, wasn't it?

No, this is real.

No, minecraft is real.

No this is real.

I growled and pressed my hands against my temple, squinting at the pain rushing through my head as I tried to remember.

Oh, god, I don't want to remember.

But I do, don't I? It would be good to remember.

No, it hurts to much.

Savor the pain. Use it. Make them pay.

No. They don't deserve it.

They abandoned me. Left me to be tortured.

It's not their fault.

It's completely their fault. Everything is their fault.

It is?


Then why does it still hurt?

I winced and dug my hand in even further. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!

The pain was bad now that I could barely even see. My vision was going red around the edges, and I couldn't stifle the moan that crawled from my throat.

A horrible, yet all too familiar feeling climbed up my legs.

I screamed and tried to kick, but I couldn't. Burning agony turned my stomach inside out, and my legs froze and squeezed together. I slumped over, choking, and felt my heart stop.



Are you agreeing with me?



Because I am you.

My eyes snapped open just in time to see the floor ten feet below me. I hit it with a resounding thump, and cried out as I was crushed against it.

I peeked my eyes open.

Not here, anywhere but here. Notch, no. Please, please, please!

There were cubes everywhere. Only cubes. I could practically see the blood on them, feel them digging into my aching wounds as I slumped against them, hear my fotsteps echoing against them as I paced around the square chamber.


A terrified scream tore itself from my mouth and I leapt backwards, only to be hampered by the constant agony. I looked down to see the cause of it, and nearly fainted.


I was here again. In minecraft. Back from the hallucination with all the agony, the torture the memories-

"Hello, Sky."

I curled up against the wall and whimpered. "You brought me here! Why would you do this!"

He shrugged and spun around, looking around the room. His gaze landed on something a few feet away from me on the floor.

"I actually didn't do this. Well, I helped. Master helped too, with a new energy source. I also latched onto his as well, and poof! Here we are. Although, the flight was a bit unstable, with you panicking and trying to throw me out the whole way. I hope I didn't bring your other friends in." A cold smile grew on his features. "Nah, I hope I did. Then they can pay along with the rest of them."

I jerked and twitched violently as he strode down the corridor. Someone was still screaming, and I had a vague feeling that it was me. Whimpering, I glanced over to where he had looked.

Terror coursed through my veins and I panicked.


He had abandoned me, along with everyone else. He had left me for dead.

He was curled up against the other wall, opposite me. I froze and waited, waited for the pain that was certain to come.



Sorry if that was a bit confusing

But I wanted to show how confused and lost Adam is

Also, I hope I didn't ruin any of your plans, bloxie.

I just felt he needed to come back to minecraft.

Now, I have an extra cookie.

Would you like it?

*slides across table with pen and apology note in case I ruined your plans*

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