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Mitch's POV

I mentally cursed as the man walked through the doors, which smoothly swung shut. I felt Quirren continue to move Jerome away.

"Did my arrow give you a little boo-boo, headlights?"

I slowly moved away from Quirren and Ian, trying to draw all attention to me. As casual as possible, I pulled out an arrow and twirled it casually.

The man glared at me, lessening the bright glare from his eyes. I huffed and put a hand to my forehead, pretending to peer towards him.

"Dude, you should get that checked. I don't think eyes should be able to give a sunburn."

I heard the others taking place around me, hopefully recognizing the situation. Lilac had pranced over to her masters side and was standing confidently next to him.

I didn't dare look at Quirren, but I hoped with all my heart that they were away.

"What are you going to do to me, bajancanadian?" The man asked. His mouth didn't move.

I tworled the arrow once more and held it up, trying to disguise the fact that I was shaking. "I'm gonna kill you."

Lilac laughed. "Kill the master? You could try."

There was the sound of a bow string being pulled taught. "Well, that's what we're going to do." Seto said quietly. Lilac frowned, but the man chuckled.

"You Team Crafted are amusing. How do you plan on killing me, then?"

Ryan pulled out his sword and walked in front of me, tapping it on the floor. He leveled it at him. "I am going to stab you in the throat from right here. My friends Seto and Ian are going to launch a volley of arrows, Mitch is going to tackle you and stick his arrow into your eye, Quentin and Ty are going to stab you a bunch when you're down, and then Jason is going to burn your face to a crisp with his jetpack. I think that should work, don't you?"

The man chuckled. "You could only dream of such an easy victory."

"Funny. I'm quite good at influencing dreams."

From behind the man, Devin suddenly appeared. Eyes glowing a warm gold, he brought his palms down on Lilac and the mans heads. They collapsed to the ground, eyes dark. Ryan immediately leapt over them and out the doors, shoving them open wide for the rest of us. I pulled Jerome out of the corner Quirren had been trying to hide him in and slung him over my shoulder. Ian pulled Quirren onto his back, and we all raced out the door. Ryan slammed it shut, and Devin placed his hands on it. They glowed golden for a moment, but then it faded and Devin swayed to wildly I thought he was going to pass out.

Ty steadied him. "You good?"

Devin's eyes were half open and bloodshot. "Mm. Complicated spells, need to rest..." His voice faded off as he crumpled into Ty's waiting arms, who quickly threw him over his shoulder and nodded.

We all ran through the town, going as fast as we could with people on our backs. All the townspeople were alying crumpled on the ground as well, so we made it to the gate with no issues. We had just locked it when the first person began to stir, so we booked it into the woods.

Jason flew overhead, watching for stragglers from the dungeon or slow ones. Jerome was starting to weigh down on me, and it felt like my legs were made of lead. When Jason landed in front of us, I practically collapsed to the ground, panting.

"I rounded up about 20 people from the dungeon and sent them in the direction of our base. They;ll meet us there." He reported.

"Any undead?" Ryan checked.

Jason shrugged. "Nada, zip, zilch, nothing. I haven't come across one."

I nodded and struggled to my feet. "That's a relief. To the base, then?"

Some time later, we staggered into the clearing where our base was. A group of people were milling about, standing awkwardly around the area. Wordlessly, Seto knocked out the block that was our entrance and gestured to it. They took it as a hint and filed in. Once we were all inside as well, he sealed it back up again.

Those that were unconscious were put on beds, and everyone else crammed into the small area. I sat on the stairs leading outside and clapped my hands. Everyone looked at me.

"Right. Welcome to Team Crafted, everybody. Basically, we want to kill the so-called master, and that's all there is to it. All in favor?" I said sarcastically. To my surprise, every single person put their hand up. Ryan chuckled and pushed me aside.

"Alright. If we're gonna fight back, we're gonna need to be prepared. Those that are in working condition, right side of the room. Not working condition, left side. Take a bed if you can. Working people, we need supplies. Food, weapons, armor, you name it. So, here's how its gonna go. We have about 15 able bodied, plus us. Three of you are going to get as much wood as possible. You three are gonna go get a shit ton of food. You two are going to stand guard, and everybody else is hitting the mines."

Ryan dished out jobs, diving people into groups and setting them off to work. Later on, as I was hitting at an ore with my pic, I decided I was going to get home if it cost my life.


I feel like this was kinda a cruddy chapter

But I just really wanted to get the ball rolling again

Bloxie and I have ideas

We discovered we make a really fantastic team when it comes to brainstorming at like 1 AM


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