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So, because me and Fallout make such an amazing team, apparently we can kickstart each other's thought process...

Well, thanks for the pen Fallout! I'm going to start a little chaos if you don't mind.

Mitch's POV

~One Week Later~

"Mitch! Bring over some iron!" Ryan called from our base.

"How much d'you need?" I called back.

"Just being a stack of ores and a few ingots! Ian is going to smelt them and make weapons!"

"Okay!" I responded, piling all the needed supplies in my arms and running down into the base.

"Just set the ores in the furnaces and bring the iron to me." Ian instructed, bringing a hammer down on an anvil.

"Making another sword Ian?" I asked, separating the ores into four stacks for each furnace.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead with his sleeve.

"No, actually we finished all the swords. We are just now starting on armor."

"Ah, so that's why there's more people mining now."

He nods and brings the hammer down again with a loud 'clang'.

After I pushed the ores into the furnace to smelt, I walked over to Ian and gave him the other ingots. "Has there been any activity in the village lately?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary according to Jason." Ryan cut in, walking over.

"That's go-"


A scream of horror echoes through the base, bringing our attention up to the surface.

Grabbing weapons, we ran up the stairs to the surface.

The first thing I saw was a sword ripping through Marcus' stomach, Lilac smirking as she drove it through the poor man.

His eyes glazed over as she ripped the sword out and he fell to the ground, dead.

Lilac looked behind her then ran, leaving Marcus' body on the ground.

"It's a surprise attack! Everybody grab your weapons!" Jerome yelled, running up to us.

"Biggums we gotta go, The dark sorcerer is fighting Quirren, Devin and Seto. Plus with Lilac here, I don't think we stand a chance." Jerome whispered quickly.

"What about Seto?"

Jerome shook his head. "Not well. It's really hard on him. If he wants to live longer than a few minutes, we need to retreat the whole base."

"We can't leave." Jason said, landing next to us. "Slow ones all around. There's no escape without a fight."

I sighed and looked at Ian and Ryan. "Well, I guess we have to fight don't we?"

Ian nodded. "And find Adam. He could still be unstable. I know he hasn't had any episodes lately, but I have a feeling seeing violence will provoke him."

"I'm going to go fight with him and Ty, just so we can keep an eye on him." Jason said.

"Good. If something bad happens, yell or get help. We don't need a repeat of what happened last time Adam had an episode." Ian instructed.

Jason nodded and took off into the air.

"Let's join the fight. Fredrick needs to bash some skulls." Jerome said, pulling an iron axe off his back.

I nodded and raised my sword. "Let's do this."

Okay I know my chapter is really short... But longer ones will come soon, from me anyways.

Fallout is always good about making chapters long...

Whelp, time to chuck the pen across the room and hope fallout catches it yeah?

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