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Thanks for digging us out of that nasty little hole I kinda shoved us into


I'll do better this time i swear



Ryan's POV

I froze at the white eyes piercing gaze. They weren't flickering. Possessed through and through.

I swore. "D*amnit, I really hope that is Adam."

Jason snorted. "I don't. Both eyes, Ryan. Whoever it is is fully under control."

We all stood quietly, waiting to see if the eyes would do anything. They didn't. A chill seemed to have settled over us, despite the warm morning. I couldn't help the slight shivering that crawled up my spine as we stood in their line of sight.

Mitch cleared his throat. "Inside, maybe? Getting a little creeped out."

I tore my eyes away from the glowing white orbs for a fraction of a second. Connor had gathered Mitch's jean leg in his fist, and was clenching it tightly. Mitch had a hand around his shoulders, and was pressing him against his leg.

Quentin pushed Quirren behind him. "Yeah, inside might just be a good idea."

Quirren took a hesitant step towards the door. When nothing happened, she broke off in a sprint to cover the last few yards.

Jerome nodded, not looking away. "Right, Connor next then."

"Mitch?" Connor whispered.

Mitch ruffled his hair slightly. "Just run for it, like Quirren. We'll handle it, dood."

Connor took a shaky breath and slowly started jogging in the direction of the door.


He froze, skidding to a stop. I had thrown my hand out with my cry, and remained frozen in the awkward position.

"Connor, don't move." Ian warned.

The eyes had disappeared, blinking out of existence.

We all waited silently, tension rippling through the air with every breath.

"There!" Ty yelled. He threw up a hand and pointed into the woods. I just caught a glimpse of white light before it was gone again.

"Get inside and lock the door. Be sure to stay with Quirren, no matter what happens." Mitch added.

There was a rustling and then a gentle click as the door was opened and closed. A thunk told us that blocks had been placed in front of the door.

Mitch blew out a deep sigh of relief and drew out his sword. "Good, that's good. Um, weapons ready?"

A moment later, we were all armed with our various weapons and had spread out in a defensive circle around the clearing.

"Over here!" Ian cried.

"Here!" Seto yelled.

"It's here now!" I confirmed. It was just a flash of light, there and gone so quick the only evidence it was ever there the streak burned onto my retinas.

I blinked to clear my vision, and shook my head wildly in an attempt to clear it. "It's circling closer and closer. Stay spread out and watch for it."

On silent agreement, they all took stance again and raised their weapons in position. The wind rustled the leaves on the trees, and the moans of slow ones could be heard in the near distance.

"Guys, we stay out much longer, slow ones are gonna be more of a problem," Jerome warned. "They've probably picked up on us by now."

I cursed quietly. "Just wait. I'm more concerned about the possessed right now."

At that exact moment, Ian cried out, "She's standing right in front of me!"

I spun around, sword at the ready. It was a woman, torn white clothes fluttering slightly along with her messy brown hair. Her eyes glowed brilliantly, so much so that they hurt to look at.

"She was on the hillside," Mitch informed us, "And in that room. It's Quirrens mum." He whispered.

"D*mnit. They found us too soon. Seto, how will we hold?"

He winced. "Depends? Minor spells, yes. Some major spells, depending on if I can counterattack it or just block it. If that man shows up, with the other minions, most likely no chance. I'm still too weak." He sighed.

The woman took a step forward and we all yelled and took a step back.

"What's she doing, Seto?" Jason asked.

"Scoping, searching, attacking, reporting? I don't know! I don't know what her intentions are!"

"Well, that's fantastic." I growled. "Charge her?"

I leapt forward without waiting for response, and swung my sword around in a wide arc. It sliced through the air, perfectly lined up to slice through her neck.


The air was forced out of my body as it was seized in midair and flung against a tree. I hung there, pressed against the wood, struggling.

"Ryan!" Jerome called.

"Fine!" I wheezed. "Get the hag!"

He shrugged and dropped down to all fours. The others all attacked.

Mitch did the same as me, trying to cut with the sword. Her hand went out towards him, and he ducked into a frantic roll to try to avoid the spell. Wincing, I watched as it caught his back and tore the back of his hoodie clean off, fresh blood rapidly staining the area where skin was torn away.

Jerome had been right behind Mitch, and received the force of the spell. I winced in sympathy as he was pinned against the side of the house.

Ian and Quentin both shot arrows, should-be death raining from the heavens. Until they all stopped mid air and head back the exact same direction, forcing them to duck into the bushes. Quentin got away safely, while Ian was held back because of his arm and received an arrow slicing against his leg.

Jason grabbed Ty and they shot into the air, flying far above all of us. I forced my head back to watch as Ty dropped down, sword aimed straight for the woman's unsuspecting head.

Air brushed past me as he flew by, racing down. A guttural scream escaped his mouth asthe sword plunged into her head, disappearing up to the hilt and breaking against her skull. He crashed painfully on top of her and grunted as the hilt slammed into his stomach.

I slid down from the tree.

Slowly, I approached the body. Blood was pooling rapidly around it. I stood quietly before it as one by one, my friends joined me.

Wordlessly, I pointed to her eyes.

They were blue.


I feel like I had done enough with the focus on mainly physical torture

I figured it was time for some good ol' fighting and death.

Anyway, to Bloxie for CHAPTER 50!

We made it to 50 chapters!


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