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*misses pen* OUCH! My seeing sphere!! >.< I'm weird, don't judge me

Thanks for the pen Fallout.

Let's see how well I can continue from this...


Mitch's POV

"Adam seriously?" I asked in a hushed voice, trying to keep Quireen from hearing what he had said.

He shrugged. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Yeah, not curse in front of little girls for one."

He sighed. "Let's find the team. Hopefully we can wake them up too."

I nodded. "Do you want to meet our friends?"

Quireen nodded with a big smile on her face.

"Lead the way Adam."

He glared at me from under his glasses and started walking towards the flames.

I let go of Quireen and started to follow Adam, admiring my silver dog tags as I go.

"Where should we look first?" I asked when I caught up to him.

"I don't know. This city is pretty large." Adam replied, looking into the flames.

I followed his gaze and noticed the flames were starting to die, just as the sun was starting to rise.

The sun left a sickly yellow light on the scene before us as the last of the flames died.

"We should go help the survivors in the town." Adam suggested.

"If there are any." I muttered, earning a punch in the arm from Adam.

"Okay, Ouch!"

He smirked and looked back at the city.

"We should probably run." He said as his smirk turned into a look of horror.

"What? why?" I asked, following his gaze.

"Oh sh-" I slapped a hand over Adam's mouth, glaring at him.

He licked my hand and watched in pure joy as my face twisted in disgust and I wiped my hand on my jeans.

"C'mon, let's go." I said, picking up Quireen and running into the forest.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"The town isn't safe. There's something bad in there that could hurt us." Adam responded, catching up to us.

I look over at him and in the distance I see the rest of the team.

"Hey look, it's the team." I pointed out to Adam.

He looked in the same direction I was and gasped.

"They're all still in the dream state aren't they?"

"I can't tell. We should go over to them." He suggested.

I looked over at our friends and opened my mouth to respond, but closed it quickly when I saw one of them disappear.

"Adam. Quentin just vanished." I told him.

"What?" he asked looking over to where he was just running.

My eyes trailed to Ian, the second to last person trailing behind the team.

Poof. Gone.

"What the?"

Next went Jason.

Then, Seto, Ryan, Ty, and finally Jerome.

"What the h-" Adam's voice cut off as he disappeared.

I froze and looked around.

"Guys?!" I called out.

Quireen looked up at me with concern.

I looked down at her, then up to the forest around us, then back at her just as my world went black.

Her concerned face was the last thing I saw.


So there you go.

Short, but sweet. (I'm guessing anyways)

Hope you have enjoyed and I'm sorry it was up so late... I was really busy and couldn't write.

So yeah... now time to throw the pen back at Fallout in hopes that she has good hand/eye coordination so she can catch it.

Thank you all so so so much for the support (and 1K reads on The Powerful Trio Book 2)

See you all next time.


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