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Intense much Seto?

Maybe you should have a cookie to calm down.

Anyway, it's Bloxie with another fabulous chapter!

Physical Therapy was canceled yesterday so I had time to write more, which means a long update (hopefully)


Mitch's POV

I gaped at Seto as he readjusted his hood over the bruises.

"You're not dead?!" Ty gasped.

Seto rolled his eyes. "I wish I was. That wither put me through some tough crap." He grumbled.

"How'd you find him Mitch?" Quentin asked.

"Who did this to you Seto?" I asked, ignoring Quentin.

Seto shook his head and looked at Ian.

"What happened to his arm?"

"Adam broke it. Who did this to you?" I repeated.

"Will you give me a minute? I just woke up."

I put my hands up in defense and he walked into the clearing, sitting down next to Ian.

Sighing, I joined the group again by sitting next to Jerome.

"So what's the plan to get Quirren and Adam back? did you guys come up with a good idea while I was gone?"

Ryan snorted. "Are you going to trash it again?"

"Look, I was just a little p*ssed. Sorry for my crappy attitude. Can we please just focus on getting Quirren and Adam back?" I retorted.

"We were thinking about just hanging around here until we found Seto, but since we found him... We need a strategy." Jason said.

"Quirren? what happened to Quirren?" Seto asked.

"That man possessed her. That's partially why Ian is asleep right now." Jerome said, nodding over to Ian's unconscious form.

Seto stared at Ian sadly, before nodding and turning back to the group.

"We'll need to let Ian rest up before we can move around. While he's doing that, I guess we can set up a temporary shelter and prepare for any slow ones that might show up." Seto suggested.

"Sounds good to me? Mitch is that good enough for you?" Ryan asked, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure batman. Sounds legit to me. What about you guys? sound good?"

Jerome, Quentin, Jason, and Ty all nodded and Seto stood.

"Great. Let's get our supplies together and see what we have to work with."


3rd Person POV

Adam writhed around in pain as Quirren's parent stood over him, hands out and white eyes glowing dimly.

All the while, Quirren laid on the ground, her white eyes flickering madly as she desperately tried to pick herself off the ground.

The man stood over her, yelling at her to hurry and get up so she could help her parents.

Her arms shook violently as she tried to pull her self into a sitting position.

"Get up, Light get up!" He growled.

She grunted at the effort of pulling her weak body up at her master's orders.

"You're pathetic! Get up!" he roared, pushing her onto her back again.

She cried out for her parent's help, begging them to get the man away from her.

But, to her disappointment, they were too occupied with torturing Adam with their spells.

"I know you're stronger than this, Light. I've seen it. Get up!"

She yelped and squirmed to get away from the man.

"Please stop! I can't get up! I'm too weak!" she screamed.

The man snorted. "Get up now. Or else your precious group of friends gets it."

Quirren rolled onto her stomach and, shakily, pushed herself up into a sitting position.

"Help. I-I can't." she whimpered weakly, her breathing ragged and rushed from her efforts to please her master.

The man glared at her before slowly walking towards the writhing man on the ground, his white eyes filled with anger.


I may or may not have had a cookie before writing this...

Also, I was hoping to get to one of fallout's suggestions, but then I decided to let her continue on since she's so talented.

With that said, here's the pen back.

Hope I didn't freak anyone out.

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