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So, It's your friendly fallout here (I'm gonna start going by that. It sounds cool) to provide you with another chapter. Bloxie has written a stunning chapter, and now its my turn to take another stab at it.

Also, I think that we will start writing in first person POV, just to make it easier on us. I might go third person at some points, but it will mostly be first.

Well, here we go.


Adam's POV

The computer screen seemed to loom closer and closer the longer I stared at it. The sharp angles and squares from the game flickered in front of my eyes, sometimes normal, sometimes burning.

This is silly, I tell myself. It's your job, idiot.

Nontheless, I couldn't seem to get my hands to move. I could hear my skype ringing from somewhere in the distance, but it all seemed far off for some reason. The computer had blurred around the edges, making it so that the landscpae was the only thing I could see.

It was burning... How was it burning?

Hands trembling slightly, I shove myself away from the desk. My chair rolls a few feet across the floor before slowing to a stop. My mind registers that my skype has stopped ringing, but I don't care. I wrench my eyes from the screen and stare at the floor while drawing listless circles onto the arm of the chiar with one finger.

Tired. I am so freaking tired.

Numb, I slowly get up and make my way to my bed. Falling on it face first, the tangled bedsheets suffocate me. A sudden wave of dizziness falls over me.

For some reason, my skype seems to be going off again. I wish it would shut up. I don't really want to sleep... I am very tired though... wasn't it only morning? Why am I this tired?


The flames flicker through the large town. The figures run about like madmen inside it. As I watch, one of them falls then proceeds to get up and walk around.

Been here before...

The whisper comes from the back of my mind. Been here before? Yeah, it does feel like that. I'm pretty sure I've seen something like this before.

Then what's different?

What's different. There must be something. I've been here before, countless times. I know it.

What am I missing?

I squint at the dancing flames, trying to see if there was anything different in the town. To my horror, a small child breaks through the wall of flames and stumbles towards me.


Mitch's POV

The flames consume the village. Eating up everything in it. And I can't do anything. Helpless to do nothing except stand and watch.

Gritting my teeth, I pace back and forth as close to the fire as I can. If I could just get in there without killing myself, I could help. I know I could. Somehow get others out, or save people from the slow ones. If I could just put out one section of this flame-

My head whips around as something runs by in the corner of my eye.


A little girl was racing through the flames. Her hair was smoking and charred in places, along with her clothing. As I watched, she burst out of the flames into the clearing.

And straight into someone's arms.

My breath catches in my throat and I freeze.

There's someone else here. Another person.

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