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*Screams in terror as pen comes closer* I LIVE ON THE INTERNET WHY WOULD I HAVE GOOD HAND EYE *catches pen* oh.

Well, that was fantastic. I really don't know how to top that chapter.

Good job, bloxie. Your fantastic Fallout will try, nonetheless. Here we go.


Jason's POV

There was a muffled squeak of bed springs and a thump as someone fell out of bed. It seemed to act almost as a cue, as the rest of the house slowly woke up with a series of groans, pants, and a whimper.

I was the whimper.

I can hear the sounds of the rest of the guys getting up, but I can't seem to find the will to do so myself. All I really want to do is go back to sleep, which will never happen.

Not with the nightmares.

I can just barely remember what happened. It's what happens every night. Minecraft is burning.

I groan and roll out of bed, landing softly on a pile of clothes. Dragging myself up, I make my way downstairs.

Entering the kitchen, I look around in shock. Only Ian and Quentin were seated at the counter, playing around with the food in front of them. I snatch the cereal box away from Ian before he can make anymore sludge. He looks up tiredly, but seems to decide protesting isn't worth it.

"Was Mitch already down?" I ask as I make myself a bowl. Mitch is always the first one down for breakfast, no matter the time. Quentin shakes his head.

"No. I was here first." He mutters.

I raise an eyebrow just as Jerome lopes into the kitchen and steals the box from me. Yawning, he pours himself a bowl.

"Jerome, Mitch up yet?" I ask.

"Biggums?" He shakes his head. "Nah, his door was still closed. Probably had a late night recording."

Ian smirks and swallows some of his sludge. "Isn't he the one who waited up all night just to be first for breakfast when we got that new cereal and told him he had to wait."

There was a sudden snort from the doorway and Ryan walked in, chuckling. "Yeah, nothing stops that guy from getting food."

I roll my eyes as Ty enters the kitchen and trips. Jerome snorts and chucks a spoon at his head.

Half an hour later, we all finish breakfast with no appearance of Mitch or Adam. Ty smiles devilishly.

"You know, if those two are still asleep.."

I pick up where he left off, smiling. "Whip cream of nerf guns?"

They all cheer and then quiet. As silently as possible, we all get our nerf guns and return to the kitchen, where Ian is getting out all the whip cream. Laughing silently, we all go upstairs and Jerome slowly pushes Mitch's door open. We can just see him on his bed, curled up with the blankets a mess around him. Ian tiptoes over and sprays whip cream and on his hands and face. Then he steps back.

We all start firing, expecting Mitch to jump up and get whip cream everywhere.

He doesn't even flinch.

The gun clatters from Jerome's hands and he races over to Mitch, turning him onto his back. I flick on the light.

Mitch was deathly pale, and Jerome fumbled at his wrist for a pulse.

"Come on biggums, come on, come on!" He muttered. His hands are shaking so badly that I doubt he can even feel what he's holding. Ian gently pushes him off and places his fingers on Mitch's throat. After a minute, he nods.

"It's there. It's slow and off, but it's there. Someone call an ambulance and wake Adam up." He orders. Ty pulls out his phone as I race down the hall to Adam's room. I knock anxiously on the door, receiving no answer. My heart seems to climb into my throat as I push the door open.

Adam is in the same position Mitch was, all curled up in a ball with the sheets strewn haphazardly around him. Shaking slightly, I reach out and touch shake his shoulder, expecting him to wake up. I flick his cheek, and finally slap him.

No response.

My breath catches in my throat and I stagger backwards out of the room.

"Guys!" I call. "Guys, Adam too! It's Adam too!"

Ryan pokes his head out of Mitch's room. "What?"

"Adam!" I gasp. "He won't wake up either!"

Ryans mouth falls open. Leaning back into the room, I hear him tell Ty to tell the operator that it's two people. A moment later, Ryan comes out and joins me in Adam's room. There's the sound of a siren far away in the distance.

We take Adam's pulse, and find its the same as Mitch's. Slow and slightly off. Ryan swears violently.

"What is going on here? What happened to both of them? Why not us?" He rants. Not understanding it any better myself, I let him talk.

Ian comes in a few minutes later, followed by two paramedics. The sounds from down the hallway tells me that there are also medics with Mitch already. There is nothing I can do but watch as they put Adam on a stretcher and take him away, until Ian hauls me and Ryan up by our shirts.

"Come on." He says quietly. "We'll go to the hospital and wait for them to figure out what's wrong. Sitting outside his room all day won't help anybody."

It's not until we are all in the car that I find my voice again. "What are we gonna tell their fans?" I ask.

Jerome shrugs from the backseat. "The truth? But the truth doesn't make a lot of sense. Hey guys, sorry, but Adam and Mitch won't wake up and we have no idea why." He mutters bitterly. Quentin socked his arm.

"They'll wake up." He argued.

An hour later with half of us in Mitch's room and half in Adam's at the hospital, it becomes a question of they will wake up.

"I can't believe they can't figure out what's wrong with him." I say quietly to the floor. Ty and Ian both nod.

"He's not in a coma they said. The brain activity is way to high to be in a coma. It's like he's just unconscious and can't wake up." Ian stated.Ty rubbed his face.

"I just don't get how it could happen to both Mitch and Adam, and on the same night too." He said quietly. "It doesn't make sense.."


Adam's POV

"Mitch!" I scream. No sound comes from my mouth, so I desperately try again.

"MITCH!" I scream and scream until my thoat goes hoarse, but there is still no sound. Only silence.

I've been floating here for what seems like an eternity. There is nothing but darkness. No up or down. No air. No sound.


But there is Mitch.

I know he's here. I can feel him, somehow. He feels different than the darkness. He's warm. Happy. Scared.

Every once in a while, I hear someone talking to me. Always in hushed, anxious voices. They scare me even more than the darkness.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I curl up in a ball and wait for the darkness to end.

And it does, eventually. Because when I open my eyes, the yellow sky of minecraft stares back down at me, and I can't help but grin as Quirren pokes my cheek.

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