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Oh, you're hilarious.

I am getting a slight notion that you enjoy having me tied up in your basement a little too much.

Seto's POV

Jerome launched himself at the girl, tackling her around the waist. She screamed in rage and threw him off, eyes flashing dangerously. Jerome flew across the room and into the wall, hitting it with a sickening crunch.

"Ok." I muttered under my breath. "Extremely overpowered demon girl thing."

Mitch smirked as he spun his sword. "I got the feeling they didn't call her she demon purely for the horns. Attack?"

I shrugged and stole the bow and arrows from off his back. He frowned, but didn't say anything.

Lilac stormed up to us, brandishing the whip in her hand cruelly.

"You idiots," She pointed at the two of us, "Are the first to go. Chewie there was just my warm-up."

Mitch smiled charmingly and flipped his sword over in his hand, circling around her with it levelled at her throat. He winked. "Sorry, dearest, but you're talking to the man that just buried an arrow in your masters throat. It's gonna take a bit more than an empty threat to shake me."

Her whip flashed in the air towards Mitch. I cried out in warning, but it was too late. It wrapped around the hilt of his sword and she yanked, ripping the sword from his grasp and sensing it scuttling across the floor.

She flashed a smile at him. "Sorry, dearest, but I tend to be a bit more physical than Master. Always so obsessed with magic and potions..." She drawled on.

Then she cut off with a short gasp. The arrow was embedded hilt deep into her shoulder, blood already staining her sweatshirt. Slowly, I put another arrow into position and leveled it at her heart.

Her eyes narrowed. "B*tch."


I released the arrow.

With a blur of movement, her hand whipped up and directly into the course of the arrow. Her fingers curled around the shaft faster then I could comprehend, and she snapped it in two.

"Bet Master couldn't do that, could he?" She took a taunting step forward. "Well, ladies, bad news. I'm a demon! You aren't going to get off with a lucky shot."

Behind her, Jerome had started to crawl across the floor.

I backed up nervously, almost running into Mitch. One of his hands curled around an arrow, yanking it free from the quiver.

"Don't suppose the same trick would do it?" He asked hesitantly. Lilac narrowed her eyes and scoffed. The hall was long since empty now, the escapees having fled hopefully back to the base.

"I dunno. There seems to be a significant lack of strangling." I muttered.

She tossed her in annoyance. "You could have just said that's what you wanted." She extended a hand towards Mitch, and whispering under her breath, a bright yellow burst of light shot out from it.

Jerome was almost to the stairs now.

Mitch rose up slightly, feet scrabbling to find some purchase on the floor. He was clawing desperately at his already bruised throat, and tears leaked out of his eyes.

"Hey!" I shouted, bringing the bow up again, "Stop it! Now!"

She laughed and tilted her hand to the side. Mitch gave a strangled cry.

"Who are you to tell me what to do, archer?"

Jerome vanished down the stairs, footsteps silent.

I notched a second arrow. "Setosorceror, Healer. Now let my friend go."

Her eyebrows raised slightly. "Healer? A healer? You know, aren't you lot supposed to have like serious auras and magic like, surrounding you? I couldn't even tell you were a sorcerer."

I grit my teeth. "Yeah, well, not all of us have horns and a tail to announce our presence." I released my two arrows, but with one hand occupied, she could only stop one of them. The other arrow sunk into leg, and Mitch fell to the floor as she grunted in pain.

She sneered. "Healer. You think you're so fantastic-" She cut off and cocked her head towards the stairs. Her taunting expression changed into one of confusion, before morphing into anger. I took a step back, dragging a very red-faced Mitch with me.

"You did not just let him out." She hissed.

When we didn't respond, she threw back her head and screamed in anger.


Whoops, not my best chapter

It's not my fault

Blame evil bloxie I'm still tied up in her basement

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